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Simplified search suggestions : Wong Kung Teck
Evolving a holistic mobile-Heutagogical integrated framework (m-HIF) for creating 21st self-determined learners
Wong, Kung Teck
The study aimed to develop a holistic integrated framework for promoting mobile-Heutagogical practices among student teachers. Methodologically, this study was carried out based on the phenomenological perspective of selected student teachers concerning the above affordances and challenges of M-Heutagogy through interviews. Thereafter, followed by the quantitative approach which has included pre-service teachers and practicing teachers. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the use of IBM SPSS Amos was performed to determine the estimates of the parameters of the study framework. Based on the interview findings, it was revealed that the use of such a novel learning tool helped spur their students’ interest, stimulate their curiosity, and improve their confidence in learning scientific concepts. However, the main barriers to full integration of such a tool in teaching and learning were attributed to the lack of technical support, teaching skills and confidence, and suitabl.....

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