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Total records found : 803
Pembangunan dan validasi model pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik berasaskan metakognitif
Akhsanul In'am
The purposes of this study was to develop and to validate a model of metacognitive-based teaching and learning of mathematics and to analyze phases how to utilize student metacognitive in solving algebra problems. There are two phases in developing a model of metacognitive-based teaching and learning of mathematics. Phase 1 consists of four stages, namely: a) preliminary study, based on theoretical basis and previous studies; b) model planning, which consists of instrument planning and component of teaching and learning, and also a model book; c) realization; d) model validity, tryout, and refinement. Meanwhile, phase 2 covers the implementation of the developed model and the study into the prosedures of metacognitive treatment. The results show that the development of a model of metacognitive-based teaching and learning is valid, practical, and effective. If the average number of the metacognitive treatment in solving algebra problem namely awareness, cognitive strategy, planning, and.....

1812 hits

Cognitive, affective and behavioral model of international postgraduate students' experiences of service delivery in Malaysian research universities
Wan Salmuni Wan Mustaffa
Malaysia has been recognized as a higher education destination for international students. Recently, an issue of ensuring a positive service experience among international students in Malaysian public universities has gained enormous attention. The international students are viewed as the primary customers of higher education. It is important for universities to attract and retain the international students' experience to compete in the global market and enhance university ranking. Consequently, universities need to improve the international students' experience with service delivery rendered, including teaching and learning, research, and administrative. Previous research affirms that the customer experience involves three phases of human interaction, cognitive, affective and behavioral, when evaluating services. The cognitive-affective-behavioral model is often used to explain the concept of customer experience. Nevertheless, this model still does not specify the relevant variables t.....

1430 hits

Pembangunan model reka bentuk penjaminan kualiti akademik sekolah tinggi agama Islam swasta Jakarta Indonesia
Suprihatin, Krebet
Penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk menilai amalan pembangunan model rekabentuk jaminan kualiti akademik berdasarkan tujuh aspek kualiti iaitu: rekabentuk kurikulum, pengajaran dan pembelajaran, penilaian pelajar, pemilihan pelajar, perkhidmatan sokongan, sumber pengajian, dan penambahbaikan berterusan. Fasa kajian dilakukan dalam dua peringkat. Kedudukan pertama ialah mendapatkan kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan instrumen. Kedudukan kedua adalah kajian sebenar tentang rekabentuk jaminan kualiti akademik dan kepuasan pelajar STAIS Lantaboer dan STAINDO Jakarta Indonesia. Kaedah kajian ini dilakukan dengan kaedah kuantitatif, data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensi, kajian pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen kajian. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap jangkaan terhadap rekabentuk jaminan kualiti adalah sederhana lemah dan positif untuk semua aspek yang dikaji, terdapat hubungan antara beberapa aspek jaminan kualiti akademik dengan kepuasan pelajar. Untuk itu me.....

910 hits

Proses kognitif murid sekolah menengah pertama dalam penyelesaian masalah algebra berasaskan model taksonomi pemprosesan maklumat
Kajian ini bertujuan membangunkan soalan Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Anu (SPLDA) mengikut tahap hierarki Model Taksonomi Pemprosesan Maklumat (MTPM) dan menganalisis proses kognitif murid Sekolah Menengah Pertama dalam menyelesaikan masalah SPLDA. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah pembangunan Model Tessmer dan kaedah gabungan berasaskan prinsip penjelasan. Teknik persampelan rawak berkelompok melibatkan 170 murid daripada lima Sekolah Menengah Pertama dipilih daripada populasi seramai 545 murid gred lapan di Zon Hilir Barat Bandar Palembang. Daripada 170 orang murid ini, 15 orang murid dipilih secara teknik persampelan bertujuan untuk ditemu bual. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dengan menggunakan ujian SPLDA, manakala data kualitatif diperoleh dengan menggunakan kaedah temu bual dan analisis dokumen. Data kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan data kualitatif pula dianalisis secara analisis isi kandungan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa lima soalan penyelesaian masalah S.....

805 hits

Pembinaan model berstruktur pencapaian Matematik berasaskan transisi dengan penerapan orientasi pembelajaran Matematik
Nor Hashimah Abu Bakar
Kajian ini bertujuan membina model berstruktur pencapaian matematik berasaskan transisi dengan penerapan orientasi pembelajaran matematik. Kaedah kuantitatif digunakan dalam kajian ini. Data diperolehi daripada subjek kajian melalui instrumen penilaian transisi dan orientasi pembelajaran matematik. Subjek kajian terdiri daripada 95 orang pelajar Persediaan Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan (PPISMP) major Pendidikan Matematik dari enam buah Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia yang dipilih melalui teknik pensampelan rawak ringkas. Analisis statistik melibatkan statistik deskriptif dan model persamaan berstruktur melalui kaedah kuasa dua terkecil separa digunakan dalam kajian ini. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan berstruktur yang signifikan antara pencapaian SPM dengan pencapaian matematik dan juga orientasi pembelajaran matematik dengan pencapaian matematik. Orientasi pembelajaran matematik juga bertindak sebagai pemboleh ubah perantara antara penyesuaian dengan penc.....

1539 hits

Effect sizes of fixed and random effects model in meta-analysis
Foo, Chuan Hui
Over a few decades ago, meta-analysis has rapidly developed in various fields of studies to improve the quality of previous research by quantitative review. Quantitative review assesses an overall magnitude of the effect from multiple studies. Hence, the objective in this dissertation is to determine the methods of finding effect sizes for different conditions in meta-analysis. Two key findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, vote-counting method will be applied if the effect size estimates are not available. Next, fixed effects and random effects methods will be used in combining the effect size estimates when effect size estimates can be calculated. 55 Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) on Tamoxifen treatment for early breast cancer patients are observed according to recurrences and mortality cases, respectively. The data is then analysed by using the latest statistical software, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) version 2.0. CMA is found to be beneficial and interactive in t.....

737 hits

Using model essays to improve students' writing
Cheah, Mei Len
This is a study on how to improve the writing ability of Form Three students in a secondary school in Ipoh, Perak. The use of model essay and process writing was applied to this research to find out their effectiveness in improving students' writing ability. The data was collected from essays written by a Form Three student who was the sample for this research. In my experience as an English teacher for 18 years, I found that many students were weak in writing essays due to the effectiveness when presenting points in essay. Students often committed grammatical errors in their essays. Insufficient knowledge, lack of exposure to reading materials and also lack of practice may have contributed to this weakness. Most of the time students were given guided essays and after a short discussion they were told to write the essay. The study showed that the sample's essay has improved through the use of model essays aided by the process writing method. By using model essays, the sample was able t.....

941 hits

Aplikasi model refleksi evolusi dalam kalangan guru-guru bahasa
Kannagi Subramaniam
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka penggunaan Model Refleksi Evolusi dalam pengajaran. Reka bentuk kajian kes digunakan untuk meneroka secara mendalam proses pemikiran guru semasa melakukan refleksi berdasarkan Model Refleksi Evolusi. Data dikumpul melalui temu bual sebelum pengajaran dan selepas pengajaran, pemerhatian pengajaran dan penelitian dokumen. Seramai 12 orang guru bahasa yang terdiri daripada 4 orang guru Bahasa Melayu, 4 orang guru Bahasa Inggeris dan 4 orang guru Bahasa Tamil. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Model Refleksi Evolusi merangsang pemikiran guru-guru bahasa untuk mengamalkan refleksi secara sistematik ke arah mempertingkatkan kemahiran mengajar mereka. Guru-guru yang mengamalkan secara berurutan langkah-langkah Model Refleksi Evolusi didapati lebih sistematik dalam membuat perancangan mengajar, pemilihan strategi pengajaran, pemilihan bahan, membuat penerangan dan membuat penilaian. Manakala guru-guru yang mengamalkan langkah-langkah secara tidak berurutan M.....

2081 hits

The evaluation of stochastic mosquito-borne infectious disease mapping model in Malaysia
Syafiqah Husna Mohd Imam Maarof
The main aim of this research is to propose an alternative method for estimating relative risk of mosquito-borne infectious disease mapping in Malaysia. This estimation method is based on stochastic SIR-SI model (susceptible-infectiverecovered for human populations; susceptible-infective for mosquito populations). Based on previous research, relative risk estimation used total number of new infective cases at the denominator of the relative risk equation. In this research, relative risk estimation with the used of total posterior mean number of new infective cases at the denominator of the relative risk equation is introduced. This model is then been applied using data of mosquito-borne infectious disease from Malaysia. Data used in this research is provided by the Ministry of Health Malaysia which include 43339 dengue cases, 7 chikungunya cases and 3850 malaria cases for 16 states in Malaysia during year 2013. The findings revealed that the alternative method can overcome the problem .....

2079 hits

Evaluation of school management system using information system success model
Haslina Hassan
This research was aimed to evaluate the School Management System (SMS) using the modified Updated DeLone and Mc Lean IS Success Model. This system is an initiative to create a single data entry with a centralized database and to integrate with other systems introduced by Ministry of Education (MOE). An evaluation on SMS was crucial to ensure the Information System (IS) would be able to work effectively and efficiently. This quantitative research was carried out using survey method. A set of questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. It consisted of 17 questions derived from other validated researches. The questionnaire was distributed to 400 primary school teachers in Selangor. They were chosen by using a simple random sampling. The collected data was analysed using descriptive statistic and inferential statistic. The result showed that the five SMS success factors which included system quality, information quality, service quality, use and user satisfaction were the positiv.....

1137 hits

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