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Development and perceived usability of 3D-model PlasmaMesh as a teaching aid for subtopics in plasma membrane
Cheng, Lee Hoong
The study aims to create a 3D model “PlasmaMesh” as a teaching aid for plasma membrane-related subtopics in Form Four (4) Biology. The research objectives are to develop a 3D model PlasmaMesh as a teaching aid with high validity and to determine the perceived usability of the product developed. This research is Developmental Research Design (DRD) guided by the ADDIE model guided throughout the product development process. The research utilized two instruments: a validity evaluation form for experts to validate and a perceived usability questionnaire for respondents to provide feedback. The validity of the product was analyzed by Content Validity Index (CVI). The I-CVI for the product analyzed was 1.00 for each item summing up for a total of 16 items, value interpreted was located in the range of 1.00 for three experts’ validation. A pilot study was conducted to access the reliability of the research instruments, measuring methods through Cronbach’s Alpha, yielding a .....

167 hits

Development of EX-MysteryChem teaching module for the learning area Polymer Chemistry
Wee, Aaron Swee Lee
This study aims to develop EX-MysteryChem teaching module and to investigate the educators’ perception on the suitability of the EX-MysteryChem teaching module for teaching and learning for the learning area of Polymer Chemistry. This study is a developmental research design (DRD) with qualitative approach. The ADDIE model is used as the instructional design model in developing the EX-MysteryChem teaching module. The instruments used in this study are content validity evaluation form and interview protocol. Two Chemistry lecturers have been appointed to validate the content validity of EX-MysteryChem teaching module and two secondary chemistry teachers have been selected as respondents for this study. The data for the content validity was analyzed using Average Congruent Percentage (ACP), while the interview protocol was analyzed using the thematic analysis technique. The result show that the overall content validity is 96.2% value of the teaching module, the findings from.....

150 hits

Aplikasi Augmented Reality bagi menggalakkan pembelajaran stem dalam topik sistem suria tahun 4 (AR Sistem Suria)
Asmafitri Zanilabdin
The application named AR Sistem Suria is developed to expose the Augmented Reality technology to the students that will gives the real world scene by having virtual 3D objects on the  smart phone’s screen especially in astronomy field that students learn Solar System in Science  Standard 4. The data result consist of several perception to be measured such as functionality,  effectiveness and application design testing to the Science teachers and students in Standard 4, 5  and 6 at primary school as the respondent for this research. The research instrument consist of  questionnaire for the teachers and the students and each perception consist 5 question itself. By  referring to Likert Scale, the result review mostly the higest mean for each of the perception for  both testing on teachers and students. It is concluded that this application is acceptable and  effective as the teaching and learning kits and it is also may enhance the students’ interest in STEM learnin.....

1186 hits

The use of english pop music to improve students motivation during form 3 English language lesson in Pantai Remis, Perak
Muzammil Hakim Ahzami
Students in Pantai Remis, Perak generally has a low level of motivation when it comes to learning English. This paper aimed to investigate the use of English Pop Music to improve students’ motivation during English language lesson among form 3 students of Pantai Remis, Perak. Additionally, this research also was designed to determine the English language input that students can best acquire from the implementation of English Pop Music. The method used for this paper involves interviewing target participants, spreading questionnaires, along with the usage of reference materials from Internet. The respondents were found to be very adamant and confident that the use of English Pop Music during their English Language lessons has helped to motivate them to learn more. Because Pantai Remis is a rural area, any similar use of teaching medium will most likely have a similar positive outcome when applied in any other almost identical setting...

370 hits

The use of pop culture reference to motivate students during form 3 English lessons in Tamparuli
Eleazar Ehud James
Learning English in schools has always involved using relatable topics for the students being taught. However, textbooks and workbooks that are based on the textbooks in Malaysia are not revised yearly, making the content outdated as the year accumulates. Pop-culture, on the other hand, keeps the lesson interesting and fresh as a motivator for students to learn the English language in classrooms. In this research, there were 30 participants that were aged 15 and are Form 3 students. This study observes a lesson delivery conducted with a text-book based topic and a pop-culture related topic. After that, a task was given that allowed two groups of participants to work on general topics and pop-culture topics respectively. The observation and document analysis from the given task provides a perspective on how the right topic selection can motivate the participants to be active during the lesson delivery as well as completing a classroom task beyond the expected responses predi.....

608 hits

Sentiment analysis for social media by using SVM
Tang, Li Ping
This project attempts to assist educators in analysing the sentiment of Malay social media posts. The output from the sentiment can be used to enhance their teaching and learning activities. In this project, training and testing data was acquired from Husein in 2018, the Malay Stopwords List that used in data preprocessing stage was based on the research of Fatimah Ahmad (1995). All datasets need to be prepared using preprocessing, including tokenization, stop word removal, lower casing, removing numbers, and removing punctuations. Then the TF-IDF vectorization method was used. In this project, we implemented Support Vector Machine (SVM). The performance of trained models were evaluated using Confusion Matrix and Evaluation Matrix. From the experiment this project tends to produce 93% accuracy, 92% for prediction and 92% for recall...

310 hits

Development and evaluation of MamaXGenius maternal effect boardgame for undergraduates Biology students
Nur Ain Faiqah Zamri
Biology students at universities must learn about a variety of topics related to genetics.  Non-mendelian genetics, particularly the maternal effect, is one of the topics covered in genetics.  Maternal effect explained the influence of the mother's genetics onto  the  offspring’s  phenotype.   The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  develop MamaXGenius card games as learning aids and to  investigate the perception of biology majors students on the use of MamaXGenius for the topic  Maternal Effect in Genetic. The ADDIE model had been utilised in the development stage. This study  involved 170 biology students that took the Genetic subject for Semester 3 to 7. The instruments  used in this study are questionnaires to evaluate the validity of MamaXGenius,  assess  the   validity  of  a perception questionnaire, and gauge perceptions through a four-point Likert scale.  For the validity of the MamaXGenius card game, two experts of secondary school teachers.....

250 hits

Development of Project-Based Learning E-Module by utilizing the Arduino for the topic of impulse and its usability
Bernet Parantis@Francis
This study aims to develop a Project-Based Learning E-Module by utilizing the Arduino for the topic of impulse and examine its validity and usability among trainee physics teachers. ADDIE model was followed in the development of the PjBL e-module where the problem was analysed, the e-module was designed, and then developed using Canva. Constructivism learning theory, Inquiry-Based learning, Experiential Learning Theory and Cognitive Load Theory was implemented into the e-module to make the e-module meet the learning style of 21st-century learning. After that, the e-module then goes to implementation phase before finally getting its usability evaluated. The PjBL e-module has been read and evaluated by 56 Semester 7 physics students selected via convenience sampling. The mean value of the usability obtained is 3.67, which proves that the e-module has achieved a high usability level among trainee physics teachers. The PjBL e-module surely will help trainee physics teachers to t.....

164 hits

Using multiple modes of representations in answering open-ended questions for learning rate of reaction
Law, Mandy Shin Joe
Students often struggle with understanding the rate of reaction due to traditional teaching methods and a technology integration gap. This study aims to evaluate Form 4 students’ ability to use Multiple Modes of Representation (MMR) in answering open-ended questions and their conceptual understanding of the rate of reaction. The research employed a quasi-experimental approach with a One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, involving 107 Form 4 science stream students randomly selected from four intact classes. The study utilized understanding test and MMR rubric, consisting of pre-test and post-test. Instrument validity achieved an 80% agreement, while Intraclass Correlation Coefficient yielded a reliability score of 0.869. Data were collected and analysed descriptively and inferentially. After analysis, null hypothesis one (H01) and two (H02) were successfully rejected. This shows that there were significant differences in the mean of MMR scores in answering open-ended questions.....

125 hits

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