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Simplified search suggestions : Abdul Malik
Interaction Between Langmuir Films Of Calix[4]Arenes With Aqueous Lead Ions
Azahari Noor Azyyati, Supian Faridah Lisa, Malik Syed Abdul,
Calixarenes is widely used as a sensor material due to nanoporous film structure. We used a type of calix[4]arenes to observe the suitability of calixarenes paired with Pb2+ ions. Langmuir Blodgett technique was used to observe the surface pressure-area (Π-A) isotherm, surface potential-area (ΔV-A) isotherm and effective dipole moment (μ⊥) characteristic of the calixarenes due to the binding interaction. The radius of Calixarenes‘ cavity was determined from its isotherm and we found that the cavity‘s radius is inversely proportional to spreading volume. When the PbCl2 salt is introduced into the subphase, the Pb2+ions begin to interact with Mat 3 until stabilization is achieved indicating the greatest number of ions that can bind with Mat 3 has been reached. Hence, ion sensing of Pb2+ ions using Mat 3 can be achieved over the range of 0 - 6.50×10−2-2 mM..

2348 hits

Kehalusan budi dalam karya Raja Ali Haji
Abdul Malik
Kajian ini bertujuan menganalisis kehalusan budi berkaitan dengan diri sendiri, keluarga, masyarakat, dan kepimpinan. Kehalusan budi juga dimaksudkan ketika berhubung dengan makhluk selain manusia dan dengan Allah S.W.T. Analisis berdasarkan lima buah puisi tradisional Raja Ali Haji iaitu Syair Abdul Muluk, Gurindam Dua Belas, Thamarat al-Muhimmah, Tuhfat al-Nafis, dan Syair Sinar Gemala Mestika Alam. Teori yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah teori semiotik janaan Charles Sanders Peirce dan juga teori pragmatik untuk mendapatkan makna teks berdasarkan kualiti fikiran, perasaan, idea, sifat, sikap, dan perilaku yang menjadi indeks kehalusan budi. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa karya Raja Ali Haji mengandungi kualiti kehalusan budi yang bersesuaian dengan ajaran agama Islam. Berdasarkan teori semiotik, kehalusan budi dalam karya Raja Ali Haji terdiri daripada empat. Pertama, qualisign ikonik rhematik iaitu kualiti sedia ada pada individu yang memiliki kehalusan budi. Kedua, sins.....

2250 hits

Language identity: variability in phonology in different races in Malaysia
Utumber Singh Jasmeet Kaur, Yusoff Nurulakyun, Abdul Malik Che Masnifa Atikah,
The purpose of this study was to determine the variants of phonology sounds /θ/, /ð/, /ʃ/ and /tʃ/ among different races which are Malays, Chinese, Indians and other races such as Kayan, Melanau and Dusun. In Malaysia, the English language is the second official language and there are varieties on how people of different ethnicity pronounce certain words in their speech.This study was mainly based on the investigation on the pronunciation of words which had those sounds of 32 participants from Sultan Idris Education University. The first language of these participants varied as we have selected eight participants from each category of races. This study was conducted by adapting the variability model developed by William Labov (1970). The findings indicate that the majority of the participants had varieties in the pronunciation of /θ/ and /ð/ sounds. However, for /ʃ/ and /tʃ/ sounds, almost all of the participants managed to pronounce it correctly. The researchers found that eac.....

1159 hits

Microcontoller-based experiment setup for learning the basic concepts of solar photovoltaic
Syed Abdul Malik bin Syed Mohamad
In this article, we describe the construction and operation of a low-cost experimental system to demonstrate the fundamental concepts of solar photovoltaic cells. The major goal of this project is to provide students with basic instrumentation and methodologies to learn fundamental concepts of solar photovoltaic cell and its application. The system runs under the Windows operating system and is composed of an Arduino UNO ATmega328p data acquisition board as well as current and voltage sensing elements. A software written under the open-source programming language platform was used to program the microcontroller while the sun path simulation software was used for tracking the sun. The site location coordinates were determined by using a Google maps application. The experiments were performed throughout the day and the current and voltage data were automatically captured and graphically presented in an excel spreadsheet. It was found that the fill factor and power conversion efficiency o.....

1050 hits

Development of relationship model between learning environment,psychological characteristics and higher order thinking skills in statistics education
Mohd Azry Abdul Malik
The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  develop  the  relationship  model  between  learning environment  (physical  and  psychosocial  environment),  psychological  characteristics (students’  academic self-efficacy and satisfaction) and higher order thinking skills in statistics education.  The study also aimed to determine if psychological characteristics mediate  the  relationship   between  learning  environment  and  higher  order  thinking skills.  A total  of  285  students   were  selected  as  sample  using cluster  sampling.  The study instruments were adapted from Smart  Classroom Inventory, Science Laboratory Environment  Inventory,  College  and  Classroom   Environment  Inventory,  Test  of Science-Related  Attitudes,  Self-Efficacy  in  Learning  and   Performance  for  College and  Dimension  of  Learning  rubrics.  The  gathered  data  were   analysed  using  Partial Least  Square  S.....

1269 hits

Optimal reliability and validity of measurement model in confirmatory factor analysis: different likert point scale experiment
Mohd Azry Abdul Malik
Designing a questionnaire is one of the most difficult challenges in research design, particularly when deciding which level of Likert point scale is appropriate for the instrumentation. Suitable Likert point scale used in the instrumentation able to reduce the risk of facing potential problems of not achieving reliability (indicator and internal consistency reliability) and validity (convergent validity, discriminating validity, and construct validity) and simultaneously preventing the occurrence of multicollinearity. This study compares the performance of reliability and validity of measurement construct in Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) by using Likert 5-point Likert scale, 6-point Likert scale, 7-point Likert scale, 9-point Likert scale, and 10-point Likert scale. The study uses primary data based on a questionnaire data collection method which involves 100 samples from similar population characteristics for each Likert. The data were analysed using Smart-PLS software. The resu.....

364 hits

Isotherm behaviour of P3OT, P3HT and PCBM langmuir layer on ionic subphase
Syed Abdul Malik Syed Mohamad
Isotherms are generally curves that depict the phenomena that govern a substances mobility at a constant temperature and pH. In this study, the Langmuir layer of P3OT, P3HT and PCBM were characterised by computing their surface pressure as a function of the surface area available to the molecules at the interface to obtain a curve called surface pressure area (?-A) isotherm. All three polymers were spread on two types of subphases-DI water and water containing bivalent metal ions, Pb2+. None of the Langmuir layers exhibits discrete gas-liquid-solid phase transitions on the water subphase. However, more stable Langmuir layers formed when lead ions were added to the water subphase. The stability enables the capping of lead ions between the polymer chain or within the balls, which can be implemented in flexible electronic devices. 2023, Penerbit Akademia Baru. All rights reserved...

122 hits

The factors influencing students’ academic satisfaction in higher education
Mohd Azry Abdul Malik
Higher education institutions have rigorous procedures to achieve excellence, with student academic satisfaction being one of the main foci of all efforts to achieve success. This study identifies the determinants of academic satisfaction. The study also identifies the differences in academic satisfaction between genders. 328 respondents were selected as the sample among students in the Faculty of Business and Management and the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in one of the main college campuses in Kelantan, using stratified random sampling. Data collection was done using a self-report questionnaire. The resulting data were analysed using multiple linear regression (MLR) and independent T-test. The results indicate that sense of belonging, student interaction, and course evaluation are significantly positively related to academic satisfaction. The results also show no significant difference in academic satisfaction between genders. This topic was found to be important for educators,.....

5 hits

Penggunaaan media sosial dari perspektif psiko spiritual Islam
Nor Azah Abdul Aziz
Kertas kerja ini membincangkan tentang penggunaan media sosial dari perspektif psikospiritual Islam untuk kestabilan mental. Metodologi kajian ini merujuk kepada penggunaan maqamat dan ahwal untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengkategorikan media sosial yang bersesuaian dengan psikospiritual Islam yang merujuk kepada tulisan tokoh sufi Abū alQāsim ‘Abd al-Karīm ibn Hawāzin ibn ‘Abd al-Mālik ibn Talhah al-Qushayrī (376H-465H) yang berpegang dengan akidah Ahl Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah. Terdapat empat puluh lima atau lebih maqāmāt dan ahwāl yang telah dianalisa oleh al-Qushayrī (Knysh, 2000). Bagaimanapun untuk kajian ini penyelidik memilih tiga maqāmāt dan tiga ahwāl yang bersesuaian dengan pengguna media sosial yang boleh dipraktiskan untuk penyucian jiwa dan kesihatan mental. Hasil kajian adalah formulasi panduan penggunaan media sosial yang sesuai dari sudut psikospiritual Islam. Kata kunci: Media Sosial, Psiko Spiritual Islam..

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