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Simplified search suggestions : Abdul Manaf Asmuni
Penggunaan komputer dalam pendidikan seni visual - kajian di tiga sekolah di negeri Perak
Abdul Manaf Asmuni
Many programmes that involved the usage of computer equipments had been carried out in the schools under Malaysia Ministry of Education since 2000. The construction of computer laboratories, supplement of desktops and laptops had been distributed to all government school. Diverse reaction could be seen in printed media, radio and television concerning this action from government of this action that talked about to the advantages and disadvantages of such act. Visual Art Education had not been left out in receiving computer equipments through Curriculum Development Centre Malaysia Ministry of Education. The supplement of this equipment had been classified only to be used for Visual Art Education only and had to be placed in art room. This research is carried out to see whether computer equipment that had been supplemented is being used as it was predetermined by Curriculum Development Centre. The study is carried out since the acceptance of the computer equipments by the school manageme.....

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