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Simplified search suggestions : Abdul Rahim Abdul Jabbar
Persepsi pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual di Sekolah Bestari SMK Seri Bintang Selatan Kuala Lumpur
Abdul Rahim Abdul Jabbar
This research was to identify the students' perception level towards visual arts in SMK Seri Bintang Selatan, a Smart School in Kuala Lumpur. The different perception of the students towards visual arts subject was done based on the chosen demographic traits. The research also aimed at determining if there was a significant relationship between students and the factors that motivate them, (teachers, parents, peers, tools, syllabus, and administration) and identified the main factors for this problem. The sampling for the research consists of 60 students from the selected school and instrument used was questionnaire which comprised of two sections A and B. The section A consists of 15 questions pertaining demographic information of the students and items to measure students' perception. Whereas, section B was made up of 15 items that determines the factors that influences students' perception towards visual arts. The frequency of students' response was measured by analyzing percentages......

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