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Simplified search suggestions : Abu Bakar Abdulloh |
1 | 2009 thesis | Pemilihan ujian kecergasan fizikal berasaskan kesihatan Abu Bakar Abdulloh Health Related Fitness Test is used to evaluate the effectiveness of Physical Education in Teacher Training Institute of Malaysia. Teacher Training Department (BPG) has been using the National Physical Fitness Test (UKJK) to evaluate the physical fitness of Bachelor of Education (PPISMP) as the Physical Fitness Test. For the purpose of this study, FITNESSGRAM, President Challenge, Physical Best, ACSM and AAHPERD were employed. These tests were carried out together with the UKJK tests. Pearson product-moment correlation is used to identify any correlation between the tests components. 17 tests were selected and tested for the duration of four weeks. The results have shown that there is significant correlation between UKJK and the tests employed. The moderately high correlation between Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run and 2.414 km run (r = 0.675), the Partial Curl-ups test and Bent Knee Sit-ups test (UKJK) (r = 0.688), the Push-ups and Modified Push-ups (UKJK) (r = 0.678)..... 2809 hits |