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Simplified search suggestions : Alaa Zaidan Ruqayah
Classification of driver behaviours using machine learning
Alaa Zaidan, Ruqayah
According to the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), over 500,000 car accidents occurred in 2016, making cars an unsafe means of transportation. This research aimed to collect driver behaviour-related data for Malaysian drivers to provide useful insights for Malaysian driving profile and to modulate machine learning for classification tasks. Twenty-one drivers (11 male and 10 female) were studied and compared for their driving style in Lebuhraya Behrang Stesen-tg malim (11 km per driver). Drivers were asked to drive naturally while considering their safety. Two analysis techniques were utilized (i.e. Statistical and Machine Learning-Based). Different conclusions were drawn from each analysis. The number of driving events for each driver was calculated (i.e. aggressive, normal and safe) and statistical tests (i.e. Mean, Standard Deviation, Correlation analysis, Oneway ANOVA and T-test) presented significant differences between each driver from the same gende.....

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