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Simplified search suggestions : Albahrey Osamah Shihab Ahmed |
1 | 2019 article | Smart home-based IoT for real-time and secure remote health monitoring of triage and priority system using body sensors: multi-driven systematic review Osamah Shihab Ahmed Albahrey The Internet of Things (IoT) has been identified in various applications across different domains, such as in the healthcare sector. IoT has also been recognised for its revolution in reshaping modern healthcare with aspiring wide range prospects, including economical, technological and social. This study aims to establish IoT-based smart home security solutions for real-time health monitoring technologies in telemedicine architecture. A multilayer taxonomy is driven and conducted in this study. In the first layer, a comprehensive analysis on telemedicine, which focuses on the client and server sides, shows that other studies associated with IoT-based smart home applications have several limitations that remain unaddressed. Particularly, remote patient monitoring in healthcare applications presents various facilities and benefits by adopting IoT-based smart home technologies without compromising the security requirements and potentially large number of risks. An extensive search is con..... 2030 hits |
2 | 2019 article | Based multiple heterogeneous wearable sensors: a smart real-time health monitoring structured for hospitals distributor Osamah Shihab Ahmed Albahrey This paper proposes a smart real-time health monitoring structured for hospitals’ distributor based on wearable health data sensors. Health data were received from multiple heterogeneous wearable sensors, such as electrocardiogram (ECG), oxygen saturation sensor (SpO2), blood pressure monitor, and non-sensory measurement (text frame), from 500 patients with different symptoms. Triage level and healthcare services were identified based on the new four-level remote triage and package localization (4LRTPL). The numbers of healthcare services that represent hospital status were collected from 12 hospitals located in Baghdad city. This study constructed a decision matrix based on the crossover of ‘‘multi-healthcare services’’ and ‘‘hospital list’’ within Tier 4. The hospitals were then ranked using multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques, namely, integrated analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and vlsekriterijumskaoptimizacija i kompromisnoresenje (VIKOR). Mean ± stan..... 2258 hits |
3 | 2019 article | Mobile-based patient monitoring systems: a prioritisation framework using multi-criteria decision-making techniques Albahrey, Osamah Shihab Ahmed This study presents a prioritisation framework for mobile patient monitoring systems (MPMSs) based on multicriteria analysis inarchitectural components. This framework selects the most appropriate system amongst available MPMSs for the telemedicineenvironment. Prioritisation of MPMSs is a challenging task due to (a) multiple evaluation criteria, (b) importance of criteria, (c)data variation and (d) unmeasurable values. The secondary data presented as the decision evaluation matrix include six systems(namely, Yale–National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), advanced health and disaster aid network, personalisedhealth monitoring, CMS, MobiHealth and NTU) as alternatives and 13 criteria (namely, supported number of sensors, sensorfront-end (SFE) communication, SFE to mobile base unit (MBU) communications, display of biosignals on the MBU, storage ofbiosignals on the MBU, intra-body area network (BAN) communication problems, extra-BAN communication problems, extr..... 651 hits |
4 | 2019 article | Multiclass benchmarking framework for automated acute leukaemia detection and classification based on BWM and Group-VIKOR Albahrey, Osamah Shihab Ahmed This paper aims to assist the administration departments of medical organisations in making the right decision on selecting a suitable multiclass classification model for acute leukaemia. In this paper, we proposed a framework that will aid these departments in evaluating, benchmarking and ranking available multiclass classification models for the selection of the best one. Medical organisations have continuously faced evaluation and benchmarking challenges in such endeavour, especially when no single model is superior. Moreover, the improper selection of multiclass classification for acute leukaemia model may be costly for medical organisations. For example, when a patient dies, one such organisation will be legally or financially sued for incidents in which the model fails to fulfil its desired outcome. With regard to evaluation and benchmarking, multiclass classification models are challenging processes due to multiple evaluation and conflicting criteria. This study structured a dec..... 1933 hits |
5 | 2019 article | Multi-agent learning neural network and Bayesian model for real-time IoT skin detectors: a new evaluation and benchmarking methodology Albahrey, Osamah Shihab Ahmed This study aimed to develop a new methodology for evaluating and benchmarking a multi-agent learning neural network and Bayesian model for real-time skin detectors based on Internet of things (IoT) by using multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM). The novelty of this work is in the use of an evaluation matrix for the performance evaluation of real-time skin detectors that are based on IoT. Nevertheless, an issue with the performance evaluation of real-time skin detector approaches is the determination of sensible criteria for performance metrics and the trade-off amongst them on the basis of different colour spaces. An experiment was conducted on the basis of three phases. In the first phase, a real-time camera based on cloud IoT was used to gather different caption images. The second phase could be divided into two stages. In the first stage, a skin detection approach was developed by applying multi-agent learning based on different colour spaces. This stage aimed to create a decision m..... 997 hits |
6 | 2019 article | Real-time remote-health monitoring systems: a review on patients prioritisation for multiple-chronic diseases, taxonomy analysis, concerns and solution procedure Albahrey, Osamah Shihab Ahmed Remotely monitoring a patient’s condition is a serious issue and must be addressed. Remote health monitoring systems (RHMS) in telemedicine refers to resources, strategies, methods and installations that enable doctors or other medical professionals to work remotely to consult, diagnose and treat patients. The goal of RHMS is to provide timely medical services at remote areas through telecommunication technologies. Through major advancements in technology, particularly in wireless networking, cloud computing and data storage, RHMS is becoming a feasible aspect of modern medicine. RHMS for the prioritisation of patients with multiple chronic diseases (MCDs) plays an important role in sustainably providing high-quality healthcare services. Further investigations are required to highlight the limitations of the prioritisation of patients with MCDs over a telemedicine environment. This study introduces a comprehensive and inclusive review on the prioritisation of patients with MCDs in te..... 1770 hits |
7 | 2019 article | Medical emergency triage and patient prioritisation in a telemedicine environment: a systematic review Albahrey, Osamah Shihab Ahmed Medical institutions face serious problems, such as growing elderly population and lack of doctors. Telemedicine and remote health monitoring system (RHMS) intend to tackle these problems by slightly shortening hospital stays. RHMS reduces the burden on patients with primary care and improves communication among different health units to reduce the burden on emergency departments. Several healthcare studies have attempted to replace hospital visits with RHMS to deliver triage and prioritisation for patients because of considerable advances in wireless information communication and signal-processing technology. The process of medical triage determines the severity of a patient’s situation, whilst prioritisation is carried out to provide healthcare services for patients in due course to save their lives. An essential investigation is required to highlight the drawbacks of the current situation of patient triage and prioritisation over telemedicine environment. In this paper, a systemat..... 590 hits |
8 | 2019 article | Assessment and ranking framework for the English skills of pre-service teachers based on fuzzy Delphi and TOPSIS methods Osamah Shihab Ahmed Albahrey In this study, pre-service teaching refers to teaching English as a second language (TESL) to Malaysian students whose first language is not English. TESL prepares English-language learners to become future teachers of English as a second language. To date, no multi-criteria framework has been developed to evaluate and select the skills of pre-service teachers. This study presents a new framework to assess and rank the English skills of pre-service teachers on the basis of fuzzy Delphi and multi-criteria analysis. Three experiments were conducted. Firstly, criteria were identified from the literature review and the opinions of representative experts via the Delphi method. Secondly, 31 pre-service teachers were evaluated to determine the skills of pre-service teachers on the basis of Delphi criteria outcomes. English proficiency was tested through the English Language Testing Service and four language skill examinations. Each examination was evaluated by experts with vast experience in ..... 1066 hits |
9 | 2019 article | New method of image steganography based on particle swarm optimization algorithm in spatial domain for high embedding capacity Albahrey, Osamah Shihab Ahmed Steganography is a form of technology utilised to safeguard secret data during communication in addition to data repository. Numerous researchers have endeavoured to enhance the performance of steganography techniques through the development of an effective algorithm for the selection of the optimal pixel location within the host image for the concealment of secret bits, for the enhancement of the embedding capacity of the secret data, and for maintaining the visual quality of the host image (stego image) in an accepted rate after the concealment of the secret data. Therefore, steganography is perceived as a challenging task. Thus, the current study proposes a new technique for image steganography based on particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm by using pixel selection for the concealment of a secret image in spatial domain, for the purpose of high embedment capacity. The stego possesses a high level of resistance against a steganalytic attack due to the security provided via imag..... 1538 hits |
10 | 2019 article | Multi-criteria evaluation and benchmarking for young Learners Albahrey, Osamah Shihab Ahmed This study proposes an evaluation and benchmarking decision matrix (DM) on the basis of multicriteria decision making (MCDM) for young learners‘ English mobile applications (E-apps) in terms of listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW) skills. Benchmarking E-apps for young learners is challenging due to (a) multiple criteria, (b) criteria importance and (c) data variation. The DM was constructed on the basis of the intersection amongst evaluation criteria in terms of LSRW and E-apps for young learners. The criteria were adopted from a preschool education curriculum standard. The DM data included six E-apps as alternatives and 17 skills as criteria. Thereafter, the six E-apps were evaluated by distributing a checklist form amongst six English learning experts. These apps were subsequently benchmarked by utilising MCDM methods, namely, best–worst method (BWM) and technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS). BWM was used for criterion weighting, wh..... 1447 hits |
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