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Simplified search suggestions : Aliza Anthony Abet |
1 | 2009 thesis | Komitmen guru pendidikan seni visual (minor) kursus perguruan lepas ijazah dalam pengajaran pendidikan seni visual di sekolah rendah Aliza Anthony Abet The purpose of this study was to explore the commitment of visual art teacher’s of Post Graduate Teaching Course in teaching Visual Art Education at primary school. Those teachers had been required to take Visual Art Education as one of their optional subjects or as a minor subject during their study at Teacher’s Institute of Education. This study explored the teaching and learning practice of the subject done by the teachers and the factors that influenced their commitment. The subject of the study comprised of three primary school teachers which are two female and one male. One of those female teacher teaches at town area, another at rural area and one male teacher teaches at inland areas. The Conceptual of Teacher Education model was chosen as the lens through which to view teacher commitment from a holistic perspective. The model provided guidance to the frame work for exploring the phenomenon of commitment with the participants which consist of the knowledge, skill and values ..... 1143 hits |