UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
Total records found : 6 |
Simplified search suggestions : Amelia Mohd Noor |
1 | 2009 monograph | Efikasi kendiri kaunseling kaunselor pelatih UPSI : satu tinjauan Mohd Noor Amelia, Kajian yang dijalankan ini bertujuan untuk memerihalkan tahap efikasi kendiri kaunseling dalam kalangan kaunselor pelatih secara keseluruhan dan juga berdasarkan lima dimensi yang terkandung dalam efikasi kendiri kaunseling iaitu dimensi kemahiran mikro, dimensi proses kaunseling, dimensi menangani tingkahlaku klien yang sukar, dimensi kecekapan budaya dan dimensi kesedaran tentang nilai. Perbezaan efikasi kendiri kaunseling turut dikaji dari aspek faktor demografik merangkumi jantina, semester pengajian dan pencapaian akademik. Seramai 299 orang kaunselor pelatih telah dipilih secara rawak berlapis sebagai subjek kajian. Data telah dikumpul dengan menggunakan soal selidik laporan kendiri iaitu Counseling Self-Estimate Inventory (COSE) yang dibina oleh Larson et al. (1990). Data kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan kekerapan, peratus dan nilai min bagi melihat tahap efikasi kendiri kaunseling secara keseluruhan dan berdasarkan setiap dimensi. Manakala ujian-t5 ANOVA Post-Hoc jenis Sche..... 2223 hits |
2 | 2018 thesis | The relationship of supervisory styles and differentiation of self to the counseling self-efficacy of counselors-in-training in the masters level practicum Amelia Mohd Noor A primary goal of counselor education programs is to prepare counselors-in-training (CITs) who are competent to provide counseling services to serve clients’ needs in particular practice areas. This competency is rooted in CITs’ counseling self-efficacy. Thus, the goal of this study was to examine factors associated with CITs’ counseling-self-efficacy, including the supervisory style they experienced during clinical supervision in practicum, their differentiation of self, and the moderation effect of differentiation of self on the relationship between counseling self-efficacy and supervisory style. Specifically, this study aims to explore the relationship among the variables of interest through the lens of the Social Cognitive Model of Counselor Training (SCMCT) in conjunction with the Integrative Developmental Model (IDM), Bowen’s Family System Theory (BFST), and Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). The participants in this study were practicum CITs who met the target population cri..... 792 hits |
3 | 2020 article | Personal growth initiative in relation to life satisfaction among university students Amelia Mohd Noor This study aimed to examine the relationship between personal growth initiative constructs which are planfulness, using resources, readiness to changes, and intentional behaviour on satisfaction with life. This study involved respondents comprising of 225 first-year university students. The data were gathered from a set of adapted questionnaire, namely Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II (PGIS-II) to measure university students’ intentional process of personal growth and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) to measure their life satisfaction. Results showed that there were significant correlations among all fourconstruct of personal growth initiative and life satisfaction. The personal growth initiative was a significant predictor of which contributed 17.2% variance toward university students’ life satisfaction. The findings give implication that university students with planfulness, using resources, readiness to changes, and intentional behaviour were more likely to experience sati..... 724 hits |
4 | 2021 article | Translation and validation of the Treatment Motivation Questionnaire (TMQ) to Malay Version Amelia Mohd Noor Introduction: Motivation plays a significant role in treating any illness, especially for patients with addiction problems. Moreover, motivation is a factor that influences patients to look for treatment possibilities, follow instructions of the treatment, and mainly make prosperous long-term changes.
Objective: The purposes of this study are to translate and validate the Malay version of the Treatment Motivation Questionnaire (TMQ) among opioid use disorders in Methadone treatment. This questionnaire is to study patient's motivation for entering treatment.
Method: Translation, back-translation, pilot testing, and validation of the final TMQ were all part of the four-phase technique for translating and validating generic questionnaires. The inter-correlation item and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used to assess the final TMQ's overall internal consistency.
Results: The Malay TMQ had excellent Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.942. In addition, it had a good factor loading va..... 786 hits |
5 | 2021 article | Bullying victimisation and aggressive traits among at risk female adolescents: a case study in a Malaysian welfare home Amelia Mohd Noor The present study was conducted to better understand aggressive traits and experiences of bullying victimisation amongst a group of at risk female adolescents in a welfare home setting. The objectives of this study were to determine if the presence of aggressive traits in victims provoke bullying, and to explore their experiences of bullying within a setting where their bullies also reside. The sample consisted of fifty two female adolescents, aged between 13 and 18 years old, from one children’s welfare home in Perak. A self-administered questionnaire and focus-group interviews were used to collect data. As a group, the adolescents scored higher in all subdomains of aggression, particularly hostility; compared to the norm reference. Mann-Whitney U test indicated significant differences in the subdomains physical aggression, verbal aggression, and hostility; between adolescents who had experienced bullying victimisation and those who had never been bullied. 71% of the adolescents in ..... 389 hits |
6 | 2005 thesis | Kefungsian keluarga:satu tinjauan berdasarkan kualiti kehidupan dan faktor demografik di kalangan remaja perempuan delinkuen Amelia Mohd Noor Kajian yang telah dijalankan ini bertujuan untuk memperihalkan hubungan antara kefungsian keluarga
dengan kualiti kehidupan (iaitu kemurungan dan kepuasan hidup). Seramai 356 orang remaja perempuan
yang telah dikenalpasti terlibat dengan delikuen telah dipilih sebagai subjek kajian. Kajian yang
telah dijalankan ini juga bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara setiap domain yang terkandung
dalam kefungsian keluarga dengan kualiti kehidupan. Perbezaan kefungsian keluarga dari aspek faktor
demografik. seperti tempat tinggal, bilangan adik-beradik dan pendapatan keluarga turut dikaji.
Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kefungsian keluarga dengan
kepuasan hidup, namun hubungan secara songsang diperolehi antara kefungsian keluarga dengan
kemurungan. Keputusan juga menunjukkan kesemua domain kefungsian keluarga berhubung secara
signifikan dengan kualiti kepuasan hidup dan hanya domain perapatan berkolerasi dengan kemurungan.
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