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Simplified search suggestions : Amila Saliza Abdul Wahab |
1 | 2022 thesis | Effectiveness of graphing calculators approach in learning integrals towards mathematics pre-service teachers achievement and mathematical reasoning Amila Saliza Abdul Wahab This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using TI-Nspire CX graphing
calculator’s approach in learning Integrals and Its Application topic towards pre-service
mathematics teachers’ achievement and mathematical reasoning. In addition, the study
also determine the relationship that exists between the two dependent variables. The
sample consist of 44 pre-service mathematics teachers selected using the fish-bowl
method to take part in this quasi-experimental non-equivalent pre-post-test design
study. A total of 22 pre-service mathematics teachers are participate in each
experimental group and control group. The instruments used for the pre and post-test
were the Calculus Achievement Test and Calculus Mathematical Reasoning Test to
measure the pre-service mathematics teachers’ level of achievement and mathematical
reasoning skill. The obtained data were analysed quantitatively using the inferential
statistics, namely paired sample t-test, one-way MANOVA and Pears..... 442 hits |