UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
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Total records found : 2 |
Simplified search suggestions : Amy Rose Aeriyanie A Rahman |
1 | 2016 thesis | Development of prozyme board game for teaching and learning enzyme topic in Biology form 4 Amy Rose Aeriyanie A Rahman This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable educational board game for teaching and learning enzyme topic in Biology Form 4. Prozyme board game was developed in accordance to the national curriculum standard for Biology Form 4. This study adopted quantitative research design. Students’ experience after using Prozyme board game was measured through survey. The data were presented as descriptive statistics. The developed Prozyme board game was validated by five experts. The study findings showed that the assessment on the validity of Prozyme board game had high percentages of agreement values. In addition, high reliability value was also recorded. The findings from the study suggested positive views on students’ learning experience using Prozyme board game. Furthermore, mean score values obtained from the pilot study were at high levels for all of the measured constructs. In conclusion, the use of Prozyme board game has added to the variability of instructional tools in teaching..... 1352 hits |
2 | 2021 thesis | Response of cyanobacteria and macrophytes communities on selected nutrients in Slim River lake ecosystem Amy Rose Aeriyanie A Rahman This study aimed to determine the response of cyanobacteria and macrophytes
communities on selected nutrients in Slim River Lake ecosystem. The sampling was
carried out twice a month at six sampling sites for 13 months for lake water and 12
months for stormwater runoff. Lake water level was measured monthly to develop a
bathymetric map. Total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentration in lake water and
stormwater runoff were analyzed using ascorbic acid and hydrazine reduction methods,
respectively. Internal nutrients loading was calculated during five identified dry
periods, while external nutrients loading was calculated at every storm event. Total
chlorophyll-a of all phytoplankton taxa, cyanobacteria biomass, cyanobacteria
biovolume, and total macrophyte abundance were also measured throughout the
sampling period. The result indicated that Slim River Lake has a mean depth of 3.84 m.
In-lake total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations were found to be
significant..... 1013 hits |