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Simplified search suggestions : Ann Sinden
Analysis of toxic cyanobacterial abundance in selected aquaculture systems and its effect on Oreochromis spp
Ann Sinden
This study aims to analyse the abundance of toxic cyanobacterial in selected aquaculture systems and its effect on Oreochromis spp. In this study, a total of forty freshwater fish aquaculture ponds were sampled from ten different locations in Perak, Malaysia. To analyse the effects of naturally-occurring microcystins concentration in Perak aquaculture environments on fish, Oreochromis spp. fingerlings were cultured in water treated with cyanobacterial extracts in the laboratory. Study results revealed that the most commonly found cyanobacterial taxa in Perak aquaculture systems was Microcystis spp. During the sampling periods, the majority of the sampled ponds water were under cyanobacterial bloom and contained unsafe concentration of microcystins exceeding 20 μg/L. A combination of temperature and pH was correlated to the proliferation of cyanobacteria and its toxicity in the selected aquaculture ponds. Microcystins accumulated in fish tissues were dependent on the concentration of m.....

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