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Simplified search suggestions : Asnawi Diman
School-based curriculum development: an analysis of the issues and problems faced by teachers in implementing KTSP in Southern Aceh
Asnawi, Diman
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) is a form of School-Based Curriculum Development (SBCD) that was introduced in Indonesia in the year 2006. It is a standard based curriculum which spells out curriculum standards and graduation standards. What is provided is just the curriculum specifications and the actual management and development of the curriculum become the responsibility of teachers. This is an innovation in that it is a different approach compared to the previous curriculum practice of providing the teachers with detail specifications, support materials, and guidelines which actually reduces the role of teachers to that of implementing the prescribed curriculum. KTSP requires the teachers to think through the curriculum, reflect, plan and strategise the teaching learning discourse that is to be enacted in the classroom situation. The shift to KTSP has strong implications for the role of the teachers, because the teachers have to take greater responsibility for their tea.....

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