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Simplified search suggestions : Auta Mohammed Adamu
Technical education in Nigerian Universities: do students’ perception of the programme changes over time?
Auta, Mohammed Adamu
This study determined whether undergraduate technical education students’ perception of the programme changes over time. Qualitative design approach was adopted. The population for this study was 174. However, due to the peculiar nature qualitative study, a total of 10 final year undergraduate technical education students drawn from the five Universities offering technical education programme participated in the study. Interview was used as instrument for data collection. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Member checking was used to establish the validity and reliability of the result. Findings from the study indicated that students’ perception of technical education in Nigeria universities relative to the knowledge of the programme prior to admission, the nexus between the programme and engineering/other related environmental courses and job prospect open to them after graduation changes as they advanced in the programme. It can therefore be concluded that vocational.....

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