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Simplified search suggestions : Azaha Ibrahim
Sikap dan pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran kesusasteraan Melayu: satu kajian kes
Azaha Ibrahim
The research aimes to study the attitude of form five students towards Malay Literature and its relationship with achievement, it is also to investigate if there is any difference in attitude and level achievement according to sex, location and the socio-economic status of students. The sample comprises 160 students from three secondary schools at District of Raub Pahang. The two factors of attitude towards Malay Literature were used to measure the attitude towards Malay Literature subjects and Malay Literature teachers. Five general hyphotheses and fifteen small null hypotheses were made. This study used questionnaires which consist of 37 items on the attitude towards Malay Literature with the five point Likert Scale. The students achievements in Malay Literature subject were obtained from the marks scored in the 2003 final examination. The data were analyzed using the Pearson Coefficient Correlation method was u to measure the relationship between the attitude towards literature and .....

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