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Simplified search suggestions : Azi Azeyanty Jamaludin
Systematics of peninsular Malaysian scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae): phylogenetics, computer-aided identification and conservation
Azi Azeyanty Jamaludin
The work presented in this thesis evaluates the status of Peninsular Malaysian Cyatheaceae and used molecular and morphological identification tools for the local species. 419 Cyatheaceae frond sample were collected from the widest possible range of Peninsular Malaysia to obtain material for morphology and molecular study. 15 Cyathea species were identified and the species information for Peninsular Malaysia was updated. The species was incorporated into the existing Cyatheaceae phylogeny by using four plastid regions: matK, rbcL, trnG-trnR and trnL-trnF. Bayesian MCMC analysis of the concatenated sequence data resulted in a 50% majority rule consensus tree confirm the placement of the four groups: Cyathea, Alsophila, Gymnosphaera and Sphaeropteris in the family. However, the resulting tree representing nested monophyletic groups, proposing Cyatheaceae to be monogeneric, i.e., Cyathea with two large groups: Cyathea and Sphaeropteris. The same plastid regions were then evalu.....

660 hits

Species richness and phytogeographic affinities of rattan genus Korthalsia in Malaysia
Azi Azeyanty Jamaludin
The clustering climbing palm genus Korthalsia Blume (Arecaceae: Calamoideae: Calameae) is widespread in the Malesian region with 28 documented species. However, as many as 18 species are available in Malaysian rainforests. An inquiry was carried out in 2019 throughout Malaysia that included species richness and phytogeographic affinities for Korthalsia. Currently, Korthalsia is highly diverse in Sabah and Sarawak, with 15 species documented in this region, whereas 9 species are present in the Malay Peninsula. Species of Korthalsia were dominated by Korthalsia echinometra Becc., Korthalsia flagellaris Miq., Korthalsia hispida Becc., Korthalsia rigida Blume, and Korthalsia rostrata Blume, which suggests their prevalence in richness compared to being diverse; only 5 species found in all regions. The species accumulation curve indicates that this region's rattan community is moderately rich. There is an east-west separation for the distribution of rattan species in Peninsular Malaysia. Thi.....

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