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1 | 2023 article | Curriculum management of aqidah akhlak local content in improving students’ moral character: evidences from junior high school in Situbondo Indonesia Azisia Nurul Huda Junior High School applies the subject of Aqidah Akhlak as a local content curriculum in schools. Apply additional subjects in order to encourage proficiency in the formation of student character as the moral responsibility of the institution. From several lessons of local content at Nurul Huda Junior High School, aqidah akhlak is one of the materials that provides understanding to students how to behave well. The purpose of this study is to determine the curriculum management of local content of aqidah akhlak in improving the moral character of students in Nurul Huda Kapongan Junior High School, Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia. Based on the results of this research, in the planning stage this curriculum is manifested in making learning tools such as syllabi, prota, promissory notes and lesson implementation plans. Prepare materials used in learning local content of aqidah akhlak. In the planning process, Nurul Huda Junior High School involved several parties such as the sch..... 15 hits |