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Simplified search suggestions : Azmi Umar
The mediating effect of innovation on the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and business success in Malaysia
Azmi Umar
This study aims to analyse the impact of Entrepreneurial Competencies, Innovation, and Business Success among owners and managers in Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) to address the  high rate of business failure. Quantitative approaches through the use of survey were used in this  study. Data were collected using questionnaires involving 407 owners and managers of SMEs in  manufacturing, services and other sectors. Respondents were chosen using using Stratified Random  Sampling technique. Multiple Regression Analysis indicated that 53 percent of the variation in  Business Success were explained by Entrepreneurial Competencies and Innovation. The findings also  showed that Entrepreneurial Competencies contributed significantly to Business Success (β=0.190,  S.E=0.051) and Innovation (β=0.198, S.E=0.013). Further, Innovation contributed significantly to  Business Success (β=1.035, S.E=0.226). This study also showed that Innovation served as partial  mediator betwe.....

4283 hits

Determinants of entrepreneurial competencies development in small and medium enterprises
Azmi Umar
This paper is to investigate the impact of key factors that influence the development of entrepreneurial competencies in Malaysian SMEs, both in the manufacturing sector and services sector. This is vital because the economy of Malaysia is partially depending on the contribution of SMEs and the roles played by SMEs. The statical sample population of this research includes 407 owners and manager involved in SMEs. For data collection, a standard questionnaire using seven-point Likert scale and 72 items were used to evaluate 12 entrepreneurial competencies and four items that influence the development of entrepreneurial competencies. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21 and SEM-Amos version 21. The results confirmed, education was significantly affecting the development of entrepreneurial competencies among entrepreneurs, while the training before business set-up, training after business set-up and work experience have no effect on the development of entrepreneurial competencies. The .....

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