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Simplified search suggestions : Azuro Umairah Mohd Rozin
The effect of strategy training in the comprehension of academic reading materials
Azuro Umairah Mohd Rozin
Reading skills play an important role in mastering a language and knowledge. Therefore it is important to expose students to practice strategic reading habits since it will assist them to perform in academic journey. The current investigation aims to observe the effect of reading strategies training towards subjects’ reading comprehension performance as well as the subjects’ level of awareness utilizing reading strategies when they perform their reading tasks. The subjects in this investigation were 30 first semester students from the Commerce Department of Sultan Azlan Shah Polytechnic. 15 subjects were Diploma of Marketing (DPR) students and another 15 subjects were Diploma of Accountancy (DAT) students. DPR students were assigned to the experimental group meanwhile DAT students were assigned to the control group. The experimental group undergone 60 minute reading strategy training for 12 weeks meanwhile the control group did not receive any training. In order to obse.....

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