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Simplified search suggestions : Badghaish Amal Omar Ahmad
Investigate the level of awareness and acceptance of social commentary art among the public in the arab region
Badghaish, Amal Omar Ahmad
This study aims to investigate the extent of acceptance and awareness of the social commentary art through printmaking among public. Social commentary is a function of art toward people, and artworks can carry messages and change public opinions and expose the reality of such a social, cultural or political issue. A Convergent Parallel Design mixed method is used as the study methodology to measure the public acceptance and understanding of social commentary and printmaking. The statistical data proved that there is significant influence of acceptance and awareness of social commentary has reflected Arab public perception of a certain issue which is also supported by qualitative findings. But also, findings showed that there is a significant confusion between social and cultural themes and political artworks are the most understandable. That significantly important to line up Arab social commentary printmaking for future reference and, to facilitate the formulating guidelines towards c.....

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