UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
Total records found : 2 |
Simplified search suggestions : Baharim Hashim |
1 | 2007 thesis | Orientasi matlamat & kecenderungan keagresifan instrumental di kalangan pemain bola baling remaja Baharim Hashim The purpose of this study is to identify goal orientation and instrumental aggression tendencies among handball players participating in the MSSP Kinta Dua District tournament. In this study, the following aspects were examined; goal orientation, individuals that influence instrumental aggression and situations perceived to influence the athletes’ likelihood to aggress. The ‘Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire’ (TEOSQ) by Duda and Nicholls(1991) was used as the research instrument, together with the ‘Judgement About Moral Behaviour in Youth Sport Questionnaire (JAMBYSQ) by Stephens, Bredemeier & Shields(1993). A total of 166 athletes (85 males and 81 females) from the teams participating in the quarter finals of the district level handball tournament were taken as research samples. The results reveal that athletes’ participation in the MSSP Kinta Dua District handball tournament was task-oriented. There was a significant difference between the task orientation of ..... 2955 hits |
2 | 2007 thesis | Orientasi matlamat dan kecenderungan keagresifan instrumental di kalangan pemain bola baling remaja Baharim Hashim Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti orientasi matlamat dan kecenderungan keagresifan
instrumental di kalangan pemain bola baling MSSP Daerah Kinta Dua, Perak. Kajian ini melihat
orientasi matlamat, kecenderungan keagresifan instrumental, individu yang mempengaruhi keagresifan
instrumental dan situasi yang dijangkakan akan mempengaruhi kecenderungan atlet untuk melakukan
keagresifan instrumental. Instrumen soal selidik yang digunakan ialah ‘Task and Ego Orientation In
Sport Questionnaire’ (TEOSQ) oleh Duda & Nicholls (1991) dan ‘The Judgement About Moral Behavior
In Youth Sport Questionnaire’ (JAMBYSQ) oleh Stephens, Bredemeier & Sheilds (1993). Seramai
166 atlet (85 lelaki dan 81 perempuan), yang terdiri daripada pemain pasukan yang memasuki
peringkat suku akhir pertandingan bola baling peringkat daerah ini, telah bekerjasama untuk
menjadi sampel kajian. Analisis kajian mendapati penglibatan atlet-atlet ini adalah
berorient..... 399 hits |