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Simplified search suggestions : Bavani Nandakumal
Penguasaan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi menerusi pembelajaran mata pelajaran Sejarah dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan empat: satu kajian kes
Bavani Nandakumal
This study aims to identify the level of higher order thinking skills among form four students through the learning of history subject. In this study, strategies involving HOTS, students" engagement in the learning process that involves HOTS, the learning process that students go through in the context of mastering HOTS were studied. A total of four teachers and 24 students from two schools are involved in the study. Data was collected through observations of teaching and learning in the classroom, based on interviews with teachers and students, and through analysis of documents, which is the record book for teachers. The findings demonstrate mastery of higher order thinking skills among students is at a minimum. Most teachers are not clear about the methods to adopt HOTS elements in the teaching and learning process. The lesson plans involving HOTS have not been prepared but there are recorded objectives of incorporating thinking skills in their Daily Teaching Plan. When viewed in ter.....

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