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Simplified search suggestions : Binmadnee Pratya
The use of Islamic: based reading materials among students in Southern Thailand
Binmadnee, Pratya
The objectives of the study were to evaluate upper secondary Islamic – based reading materials, to study the improvement of the students’ vocabulary skills through the Islamic – based reading materials, and to examine the students’ opinions toward Islamic – based reading materials. The mixed – mode approaches between quantitative and qualitative models with quasi – experimental design were used as the main research methodology. The research was conducted through three stages, namely; the reading material development, reading material implementation, and reading material evaluation. The research tools were the achievement tests, questionnaires, and the semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed by using means and standard deviations. The data was also tested by using t-test for paired - sample statistics. The results of the Islamic- based reading implementation indicated that the students’ achievement mean scores and the total mean scores after using the revised .....

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