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Simplified search suggestions : Chin Sharon Fung Fung
Application of virtual reality towards social skills learning among children with autism spectrum disorder in Malaysian inclusive preschool classrooms
Chin,Sharon Fung Fung
In Malaysian inclusive preschool classrooms, the learning of all academic subjects among Students with Special Needs (SSN) are based on the national curriculum like other mainstream students in inclusive preschool classrooms. As according to the framework of Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan (KSPK), social skills is a crucial element to be learnt in one key domain of the six pillars, self-appearance. However, children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are having a complex developmental condition which involve challenges in social skills. Children with ASD take longer than other typical children to learn social skills. Fortunately, technology has grown exponentially towards providing learning tools among children with ASD such as the use of Virtual Reality (VR). VR offers a computer-generated simulation that allows its users to experience and interact with a virtually structured environment. VR has provided many opportunities for children with ASD to build social skills through.....

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