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Simplified search suggestions : Choong Michelle Poh Kin
Understanding borderline personality disorder and depression: a case formulation
Choong, Michelle Poh Kin
The co-occurrence of depression and borderline personality disorder (BPD) complicates the formulation thus it must be comprehensive to accurately inform an effective treatment plan. The case is TSN, 22-year-old Malay woman who sought psychological help for having recurrent depressed mood and self-harm. Mood assessment indicated high severity of BPD symptoms, moderate depressive symptoms, and mild anxiety. We formulated the case based on 4P biopsychosocial model, Crowell’s biosocial development model of BPD, and Beck and Bredemeier’s unified model of depression. TSN was temperamental and impulsive as a child. Parental invalidating responses and neglectful environment were reported. The loss of close friend had precipitated BPD traits, which exacerbated by multiple interpersonal losses thereafter. Coping with losses using ineffective strategies have gradually resulting depressive symptoms in TSN. We concluded that BPD traits, rather than depression, had triggered and maintained her d.....

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