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Simplified search suggestions : Choong Yuen Onn
A conceptual review on the relationship between teacher self-efficacy and organisational citizenship behaviour
Yuen Onn Choong, Yunus Jamal@Nordin, Yusof Hamidah,
The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship between dimensionality of teacher self-efficacy and organisational citizenship behaviour amongst teachers at government school, Malaysia. Teacher self-efficacy is comprised of personal teaching efficacy and general teaching efficacy. A research issue is highlighted and discussed in detail and thoroughly. A theoretical background for both construct: efficacy theory and organisational citizenship behaviour have been systematically and clearly discussed. Both constructs are also found to be significantly contributed to the school achievement positively. The conceptual framework is also developed based on past empirical arguments. Numerous contributions are pointed out and adequate justification is provided. Past studies revealed and confirmed the relationship between personal teaching efficacy and organisational citizenship behaviour as well as between general teaching efficacy and organisational citizenship behaviour. Hypoth.....

3015 hits

Mediation effect and determinants of organisational citizenship behaviour on teachers in Perak
Choong Yuen Onn
The purpose of this thesis study was to empirically examine the proposed conceptual framework which investigated the relationship among the proposed predictors: organisational justice, trust, teacher self-efficacy and collective efficacy, and organisational citizenship behaviour in school environment. The targeted respondents were teachers of secondary schools in Perak. Four hundred and eleven teachers were selected as samples by using multi-stage sampling technique. Structural Equation Modeling technique was conducted to test the conceptual framework by adopting Partial Least Square approach. The findings of this study revealed that all predictors were significantly related to organisational citizenship behaviour. Further to this, it was also found that trust played an important mediator to mediate the relationships between organisational justice and organisational citizenship behaviour as well as dimensionality of organisational justice and organisational citizenship behaviour. Conve.....

738 hits

The relationship between collective efficacy and organisational citizenship behaviour among teachers in Malaysia
Choong Yuen Onn, Yunus Nordin, Yusof Hamidah,
1521 hits

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