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Simplified search suggestions : Danhe Zheng
Gender differences in the function of Music for emotion regulation development in everyday life an experience sampling method study
The present study employed experience sampling methodology (ESM) to examine the role of music in regulating emotions and the potential differences in music usage for emotion regulation between men and women in everyday life. The study spanned over seven days, including both weekdays and weekends, during which 28 participants (14 men and 14 women) were asked to complete a brief questionnaire 21 times a day. The questionnaire aimed to document instances of music listening in the past three hours, resulting in a total of 588 questionnaires being sent and 264 instances of music listening being analysed. Results indicate that listening to music in daily life may have a positive impact on emotion regulation and suggest possible differences in music usage between men and women for this purpose. The study's primary findings include: (1) Relaxation was the most commonly used strategy for regulating emotions with music; (2) Four primary mechanisms of music usage for emotion regulation, includin.....

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