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Simplified search suggestions : Ebby Waqqash Mohamad Chan
Fascicle behaviour analysis of step and jump forward lunge among badminton players
Nadzalan Ali Md, Rittisorakrai Chaowalak, Mohamad Nur Ikhwan, Mohamad Chan Ebby Waqqash,
1799 hits

Abdominal muscle activation: an EMG study of the Sahrmann five-level core stability test
Ebby Waqqash Mohamad Chan
Background: Sahrmann ¯ve-level core stability test protocol has been used to evaluate the ability of the core muscles to stabilize the spine. However, validation studies on the Sahrmann protocol are limited. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the di®erent levels of Sahrmann ¯ve-level core stability (levels 1–5) on the muscle activity of rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), and transverse abdominis/internal oblique (TrA/IO). Methods: Twenty-two asymptomatic male participants aged 21.36  1.59 years were recruited. Participants were instructed to perform maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and ¯ve levels of Sahrmann ¯ve-level core stability test guided with a pressure biofeedback unit (PBU). The surface electromyography (EMG) data of each muscle during ¯ve levels of Sahrmann ¯ve-level core stability test were normalized as a percentage of MVC. Results: Results showed signi¯cant di®erences in the normalized EMGs of RA [2(4) = 64.80, p < 0.001], EO [2.....

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