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Simplified search suggestions : Elengovan Varutharaju
Enhancing higher order thinking skills through clinical simulation
Varutharaju Elengovan, Ratnavadivel Nagendralingan,
Purpose – The study aimed to explore, describe and analyse the design and implementation of clinical simulation as a pedagogical tool in bridging the defi ciency of higher order thinking skills among para-medical students, and to make recommendations on incorporating clinical simulation as a pedagogical tool to enhance thinking skills and align the curriculum. Methodology – A qualitative approach using interpretativedescriptive case study design was utilized in framing the research study. Purposive sampling was used to select 20 fi nal year paramedical students and fi ve teaching staff who participated in this study. Data was collected through direct and participant observation, interviews and document analysis. Thematic analysis using Stake’s Countenance Model was utilized to analyse and present the findings. Findings – On the basis of these analyses, the study supports that (i) clinical simulation facilitates the infusion of higher order thinking skills; (ii) clinical simulat.....

628 hits

Enhancing higher order thinking skills through clinical simulation: a study on design, implementation process and outcome
Elengovan Varutharaju
The study aimed to explore, describe, and interpret the effectiveness of clinical simulation as pedagogical tool in bridging the deficiency of higher order thinking skills among Medical Assistant students and make recommendations on incorporating clinical simulation as a pedagogical tool in enhancing thinking skills and aligning the curriculum. Qualitative approach using interpretative-descriptive case study design was utilized in framing the research study. Purposive sampling using twenty (20) final year Medical Assistant students and five (5) teaching staff participated in this study. Data was collected through direct and participatory observation, interviews, and documents analysis. Thematic analysis using Stake's Countenance Model was utilized to analyze and present the findings. The study revealed a positive outlook in supporting the theme that (i) clinical simulation design facilitates the infusion of higher order thinking skills; (ii) clinical simulation that uses thinking pedag.....

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