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Simplified search suggestions : Ellail Ain Mohd Aznan
The development of fitness facilities grading scale and risk management in Malaysia
Ellail Ain Mohd Aznan
Essentially grading system allows for the identification of safety and quality provided. Presently, no specific grading system for fitness facilities in Malaysia is available to be used. This study aims to develop and test a grading system for fitness facilities in Malaysia. Systematic review and meta-analysis were used to determine the criteria for the grading system instrument. Items developed were tested for validity using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Testretest analyses were used to determine reliability. 174 fitness facilities in the central region of Malaysia, including Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Putrajaya, were approached to reveal the level and graded the fitness facilities accordingly using the newly developed grading scale, the Malaysian Fitness Facilities Grading Scale (MFFGS). All items were validated with factor loading for EFA at >0.5, considered valid for newly developed items, and factor loading for CFA at >0.6, w.....

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