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Simplified search suggestions : Eshaq Muneer Dhaif Allah Saeed
The effect of TQM, leadership and innovation on organizational performance of Dubai Police: the mediating role of organizational culture
Eshaq, Muneer Dhaif Allah Saeed
This study aimed to investigate the direct impact of total quality management (TQM), leadership, innovation, and organizational culture on the organizational performance of the Dubai police, and the mediating role of organizational culture. A quantitative research approach was employed. Data were collected using questionnaires from a sample of 314 Dubai Police officers, which were selected using the cluster random sampling technique. The preliminary analysis and descriptive statistics were run using SPSS version 25 while hypotheses were tested using the structural equation modelling via Smart PLS version 3. For the direct path analysis, the findings revealed a direct relationship between TQM and organizational performance (β=0.662, t=11.583, p..

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