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Simplified search suggestions : Farah Zulaikha Mokhtar
An economic assessment of the coastal tourist area in Pasir Bogak beach, Pangkor Island using the Travel Cost Method (TCM)
Farah Zulaikha Mokhtar
A coastal tourist area is a natural resource of non-market goods where its economic value is important to assess and should be calculated due to the available resources to maintain for further generation use. The economic value of coastal tourist area was determined by the willingness to pay (WTP) among the tourist to assess to the tourist site. This article aims to determine the economic value of coastal tourist area in Pasir Bogak beach, Pangkor Island using Travel Cost Method (TCM). By adopting the travel cost method (TCM), the individual travel costs and expenses paid by local tourists for their visit to the coastal tourist area in Pasir Bogak beach were measured. A total of 64 local tourists were selected as respondents of the survey method. The findings suggested that the mean of the total expenses paid by an individual tourist for the duration of between two to three days stay in Pasir Bogak Beach was around RM 219.39 per visit. The studies show that Pasir Bogak beach receive le.....

859 hits

Pengaruh faktor kos, ekonomi dan sosial terhadap kebarangkalian mengulangi lawatan dalam kalangan pelancong domestik ke Pantai Teluk Nipah, Pulau Pangkor
Farah Zulaikha Mokhtar
Kajian ini bertujuan mengenalpasti pengaruh faktor kos, ekonomi dan sosial terhadap kebarangkalian lawatan dalam kalangan pelancong domestik ke Pantai Teluk Nipah, Pulau Pangkor. Oleh itu, kajian ini menggunakan Kaedah Kos Perjalanan Individu (ITCM) sebagai alat untuk mengira nilai ekonomi kawasan pelancongan pinggir pantai berdasarkan perbelanjaan individu pelancong. Dengan menggunakan pensampelan bertujuan, sebanyak 168 soal selidik diedarkan dalam kalangan pelancong tempatan yang telah bermalam di Pulau Pangkor pada 23 hingga 27 Disember 2017. Penggunaan model kajian diadaptasi daripada kajian Raziah (2003) yang mana model sebelum ini adalah daripada Jamal & Redzuan (1997). Namun dalam kajian ini, terdapat beberapa item pembolehubah yang ditambah seperti kos cenderamata, kos internet, kos telefon dan kos perbelanjaan rekreasi. Ordinary Least Square (OLS), min dan analisis logistik dikira untuk mendapatkan kos jumlah perbelanjaan dalam kalangan pelancong tempatan. Nilai R.....

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