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Simplified search suggestions : Fatimah Mohamed
Identification of Tacca chantrieri (dioscoreaceae) through anatomical and morphological characters
Mohd Noor Nor Nafizah, Wun Shun Jie, Mohamed Fatimah, Daud Norhayati, Alimon Hasimah,
Anatomy and morphological characters were employed to identify four samples of Tacca sp. (Belimbing Tanah) from different localities in Perak. Anatomical characters including leaf epidermal characters, leaf venation, type of stomata and trichomes were investigated through transverse sections, epidermal peel and leaf clearing procedures. The outline and vascularization of the sections were also investigated. Result has shown that Tacca from four different localities in Perak were similar anatomically. However, morphologically these four species can be differentiated mostly based on their leaves, flowers and fruits. The leaf margins are slightly different of either entire or denticulate, and the colours of floral bracts are either purplish-black or purplish-black at the base gradually turns white to the apex. Eventhough they are slightly different morphologically, Tacca of Gunung Lang and Gunung Liang were suggested as T. chantrieri based on dichotomous key of Kalkman which emphasizes on.....

1984 hits

The antimicrobial activity of plants in the vicinity of a geothermal area in Perak, Malaysia
Mhd Bakri Yuhanis, Syed Abd Azizz Saripah Salbiah, Abdul Talib Munirah, Mohamed Fatimah,
1602 hits

Development of virtual Herbarium in higher plants
Mohamed Fatimah, Mohd Noor Nor Nafizah, Alimon Hasimah, Abdul Aziz Nor Azah, Said Che Soh,
2300 hits

e-LearnPro: platform for IOER E-Learning & MOOC using web system for entrepreneurs
Siti Fatimah Mohamed
Masyarakat di malaysia memang tidak asing lagi dengan bidang keusahawanan kerana ratarata kita dapat lihat yang ramai rakyat Malaysia yang mencari rezeki dengan berniaga. Bidang ini makin berkembang dengan adanya teknologi yang semakin maju.Kini orang ramai lebih mudah untuk belajar tentang perniagaan dan keusahawanan dengan adanya platform seperti laman web yang boleh diakses dimana jua mereka berada. Tujuan kajian ini dilakukan adalah untuk membantu usahawan-usahawan baru untuk belajar tentang keusahawanan dan perniagaan. Hal ini kerana, kebanyakan laman web yang sedia ada tidak sesuai untuk pengguna tempatan. Laman web yang akan dibina ini merupakan sebuah platform IOER dan MOOC E-pembelajaran untuk usahawan. Laman web ini menggunakan model ADDIE metodologi dan telah diuji oleh beberapa usahawan di sekitar Tanjung Malim. Kajian mendapati bahawa penggunaan platform E-pembelajaran ini amat membantu para usahawan baru untuk belajar tentang keusahawanan dan perniagaan dengan .....

672 hits

Reaksi bukan Muslim terhadap ayat-ayat Saintifik dalam Al-Quran
Fatimah Mohamed
Video youtube ayat-ayat saintifik dalam al-Quran yang dimuatnaik oleh youtuber muslim telah dijadikan bahan video reaksi oleh youtuber bukan muslim. Kelebihan video reaksi yang dibuat oleh youtuber bukan muslim mendapat komen daripada pelbagai penganut agama dan setengahnya mendapat lebih banyak ‘viewer’ berbanding video asal. Daripada sembilan video reaksi berkaitan ayat saintifik dalam al-Quran, hanya seorang youtuber yang bertindak memeluk Islam. Benarlah bahawa hidayah itu adalah milik Allah. Kata kunci: Ayat saintifik, Youtuber, video reaksi, ‘viewer’..

109 hits

Taxonomic revision of Calophyllum L. (Calophyllaceae) of Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia
Fatimah Mohamed
The genus Calophyllum in Sabah and Sarawak, including Brunei comprises 69 species with 13 varieties currently recognised. Its distribution is from the coasts up to submontane habitats, including the ultrabasic hills. A total of 1,115 specimens of Calophyllum were observed from nine herbaria in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. Eighteen new species and ten new varieties were described and illustrated herein. Key to species of Calophyllum in Sabah and Sarawak is constructed mainly based on its morphology. Two types of inflorescences development were observed, based on bud elongation followed by bracts opening to bearing inflorescence (majority of Calophyllum studied) and bracts opening followed by main axis elongation that bears inflorescence in C. elegans, C. pyriforme, C. nodosum and its complexes, C. pulcherrimum and its complexes, C. depressinervosum, C. complanatum and C. pulcherrimoides. Bracts of the first type is deciduous, while the second type is persistent or subpersistent. 2023.....

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