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Simplified search suggestions : Folashade Aroyewun Temitope
Polysubstance abuse: a case study
Folashade, Aroyewun Temitope
The removal of polysubstance from the DSM-5 due to insufficient research and the current prevalence rate of polysubstance in Malaysia which is 1.4% makes it imperative to find evidence to prove the need to refocus on polysubstance abuse. The current case is of an elderly man who presented with a decision to live with abandonment, rejection, and physical illness than to have to deal with his craving and withdrawal symptoms as a result of his 33 years of intentional polysubstance abuse. He lost all his savings and lives with several medical illnesses. Psychological evaluation using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th edition criteria revealed the diagnosis of severe substance use disorder. Cases like this shows the importance of research into polysubstance use and to further justify the need for evidence-based intervention for the polysubstance abuse in Malaysian setting...

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