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Simplified search suggestions : Foo Chuan Hui
Effect sizes of fixed and random effects model in meta-analysis
Foo, Chuan Hui
Over a few decades ago, meta-analysis has rapidly developed in various fields of studies to improve the quality of previous research by quantitative review. Quantitative review assesses an overall magnitude of the effect from multiple studies. Hence, the objective in this dissertation is to determine the methods of finding effect sizes for different conditions in meta-analysis. Two key findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, vote-counting method will be applied if the effect size estimates are not available. Next, fixed effects and random effects methods will be used in combining the effect size estimates when effect size estimates can be calculated. 55 Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) on Tamoxifen treatment for early breast cancer patients are observed according to recurrences and mortality cases, respectively. The data is then analysed by using the latest statistical software, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) version 2.0. CMA is found to be beneficial and interactive in t.....

737 hits

Chemical Constituent from Alstonia Spathulata BL. (Apocynaceae)
Tee Chuan Thing, Ahmad Kartini, Awang Khalijah, Tan Siow Ping, Nafiah Mohd Azlan,
In Malaysia, Alstonia spathulataBl. is locally known as pulai basong which distribute in peat forest. The separations of the chemical components from hexane crude extract (bark) of Alstonia spathulata were carried out using different chromatographic techniques (column chromatography and thin layer chromatography). One compound were isolated and identified as lupeol acetate (1). This compound have never been reported and isolated from this species. The structures of this compound were elucidated based on the basis of detailed 1D-NMR (1H, 13C and DEPT) and 2DNMR (COSY, HSQC, HMBC) spectroscopic analysis. The data analysis was also compared with the literature...

4275 hits

Isolation of terpenoid from Alstonia Spathulata and Kopsia Singapurensis (Apocynaceae)
Tee, Chuan Thing
The aim of this study was to extract and identify the chemical compounds isolated from Alstonia spathulata and Kopsia singapurensis. The isolated compounds were tested for their biological activities include cytotoxicity (MCF-7 cell line), antibacterial (Bacillus cereus) and antioxidant (DPPH). The separation of the chemical components from both species was carried out using different chromatographic techniques (column chromatography and thin layer chromatography). The structures of isolated compounds have been elucidated through spectral analysis including 1D-NMR (1H, 13C and DEPT), 2D-NMR (1H-1H COSY, HSQC/HMQC and HMBC), IR, UV, MS (GCMS) and also by comparison with previous literature data. Studies on the chemical constituents of the bark of Alstonia spathulata has led to the isolation of five triterpenes; β-amyrin 113, β-amyrin acetate 114, β-sitosterol 115, lupeol acetate 116, stigmasterol 117 and a mixture of three triterpenes (lupeol 118, α-amyrin 119 and β-amyrin 113). Fo.....

490 hits

Phytochemical study of stem bark from Alstonia spathulata Bl. (Apocynaceae)
Tee Chuan Thing, Lee Yean Shan, Tan Siow Ping, Awang Khalijah, Nafiah Mohd Azlan, Ahmad Kartini,
In Malaysia, Alstonia spathulata Bl. is locally known as ‘Pulai Basong’ which distribute in peat forest. The separation of the chemical components from hexane and DCM crude extract of Alstonia spathulata was carried out using column chromatography (CC) and thin layer chromatography (TCL) techniques. A total of five known compound were isolated from the stem bark extracts and identified as: β-amyrin, β-amyrin acetate, lupeol acetate, stigmasterol and β-sitosterol. The elucidation structures of these compounds were established using 1D-NMR (1H, 13C and DEPT) and 2D-NMR (COSY, HSQC, HMBC) spectroscopic analysis, involving also comparison with data from the literature...

2197 hits

Crustacean growth estimation from tag recapture data
Foo, Chuan Hui
In modeling growth of crustaceans, we normally encounter some difficulties such as the discrete growth fashion due to a process called moulting. All hard shells are shed periodically that hinder us from determining the age of an individual. To this end, we consider tag and recapture method to quantify growth parameters of wild crustaceans. For tag-recapture data, a sample of population is captured, tagged and released to its natural habitat. The growth estimation can be challenging, since the exact moulting time is normally unobserved. In this context, the intermoult period is not available for tag-recapture data. There are numerous statistical methodologies can be used for parameter estimations, for instance, the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) and the Generating Estimation Equation (GEE) method. Therefore, we are able to estimate individual growth without the age information. The conventional tagrecapture studies targeted for single recapture data that may mislead and cause biases whe.....

706 hits

Modeling discontinuous growth in reared Panulirus ornatus: a generalized additive model and cox proportional hazard model approach
Foo, Chuan Hui
Crustaceans exhibit discontinuous growth as they shed hard shells periodically. Fundamentally, the growth of crustaceans is typically assessed through two key components, length increase after molting (LI) and time intervals between consecutive molts (TI). In this article, we propose a unified likelihood approach that combines a generalized additive model and a Cox proportional hazard model to estimate the parameters of LI and TI separately in crustaceans. This approach captures the observed discontinuity in individuals, providing a comprehensive understanding of crustacean growth patterns. Our study focuses on 75 ornate rock lobsters (Panulirus ornatus) off the Torres Strait in northeastern Australia. Through a simulation study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models in characterizing the discontinuity with a continuous growth curve at the population level. 2023 American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. All rights reserved...

62 hits

Hikayat percintaan kasih kemudaan : tema & persoalan
Jumaat Zainuddin,
Bila membicarakan perkembangan novel Melayu orang lantas mengatakan Syed Sheikh Al-Hadi dengan novel Hikayat Faridah Hanumnya sebagai pelupur yang ulung, sambil itu memberikan pula peringatan bahawa watak dan latar nya adalah negara Mesir. Kemmudian orang terus menyebut bahawa Ahmad bin Haji Muhammad Rashid Talu dengan novelnya Kawan Benar sebagai pengarang yang pertama menulis novel Melayu yang watak dan latarnya benar-benar Tanah Melayu. Tanggapan ini adalah disebabkan oleh beberapa orang ahli kesusasteraan yang telah menulis buku-buku memberikan pendapat itu. Antaranya ialah Annas Haji Ahmad dalam bukunya Sastera Melayu Baru, Yahya Ismail dalam buku-bukunya Bimbingan Sastera Melayu Moden dan Satu Kajian Mengenai Karya-Karya Ahmad Talu, serta diikuti pula oleh Drs. Li Chuan Siu dalam bukunya Ikhtisar Sejarah Kesusasteraan Melayu Baru 1830 -1945, dan harus beberapa buku dan oleh ahli sastera yang lain lagi. Mereka itu sungguh berani memberikan pendapat itu dengan tidak meragukan bahaw.....

1226 hits

The relationship between students\' need and Arabic course for business purpose at Yinchuan University of China
Kou, Jie Ying
Many of courses under education system are not total designed according to students’ actual need and purpose of teaching and learning.This research attempts to investigate the relationship between students’ need and Arabic course for business purpose in Yin Chuan University, Ning Xia of china. A total of 60 final year students who are studying Arabic for business purpose courses were randomly selected from department of Arabic language of Yin Chuan University, self-reported instruments were distributed for data collection. The data analysis will depend on SPSS vision 2.0. Descriptive analysis was used to descript Category frequencies of the demographic variables, and Correlation method will apply to determine the relationship between two variables of students’ need and Arabic course for business purpose. It was found as a result of the analysis shows that there was significant relationship between students’ needs in teaching and learning Arabic for business purpose in Yinchuan .....

920 hits

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