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Simplified search suggestions : Guganeswary Vellayan |
1 | 2020 article | A review of studies on cooperative learning strategy to improve ESL students speaking skills Guganeswary Vellayan The research investigates the effects of cooperative learning strategy to ameliorate Malaysian ESL students’ speaking skills. It is not an uncommon issue that ESL/EFL (English as Second/Foreign Language) students face some difficulties to interact fluently in English language, in fact, it is a problem faced by students not only in Malaysia but around the world. The Malaysian Education Ministry is working deliberately on increasing students’ English language proficiency in order to unlock all sort of doors for students to excel in their future endeavors. In order to improve ESL students’ speaking skills, an appropriate strategy is crucial in teaching-learning process. This paper also investigates of the ESL students towards cooperative learning and their motivation towards speaking skills. This study is believed to be beneficial to the students, academicians and also the policy makers.
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