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Simplified search suggestions : Hafsah Taha
Secondary school students Green chemistry experiment, knowledge, attitude and practice: instrument development and an exploratory study in Malaysia
Hafsah Taha
Green chemistry is an educational approach that is guided by Sustainable Development Education which aims to provide students with the knowledge of scientific solutions on how to solve environmental pollution. This study aimed to develop an instrument to gauge students’ level of green chemistry experiment, knowledge, attitude and practice and to test the usability of the questionnaire developed to explore students’ green chemistry experiment, knowledge, attitude and practice. This quantitative research employed a newly self-constructed Green Chemistry Awareness Questionnaire. The instrument validity and reliability is estimated by two experts and the reliability of the instrument was estimated during the pilot test, yielding Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.926. Questionnaires were distributed to 100 chemistry students from five secondary schools in Muallim district. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis to address all research questions. The indepen.....

1268 hits

A correlational study between parental awareness of STEM education and students enrolment for STEM-related subjects for upper Secondary school level
Hafsah Taha
This survey analysed parental Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) exposure in three different aspects to predict their student’s enrolment in STEM-related subjects in upper secondary level. The parental exposure towards STEM has been determined in three different aspects: parental socio-demographic information, knowledge towards STEM and their level of awareness on STEM approach. Findings revealed parents occupation has a positive correlation towards student’s enrolment for STEM related options; inferring that student’s enrolment in STEM-related subjects highly increases when the parent’s profession is related to STEM-based career. However, the study also revealed parents with low scores in STEM knowledge and awareness could also provide appropriate opportunities for their students to foster an appreciation for courses related to STEM careers. Thus, in addition to improving the opportunities for students in STEM education through courses, materials and oppor.....

934 hits

An exploratory study on green Chemistry practices and experiments in Malaysian secondary schools
Hafsah Taha
Although green chemistry had been promoted since 1980s, it is still quite unknown in Malaysia even among chemistry teachers and students. Hence, the success of environmental sustainability education would be hard to achieve if chemistry teachers did not have adequate competency and skills to cultivate students' green chemistry awareness and practices. This study investigated Malaysian chemistry teachers’ understanding, awareness and practices on green chemistry; and the impact of student-initiated green chemistry experiments on their practices of environmental sustainability; and on their achievement in the topic of electrochemistry. The survey involved 269 secondary school teachers, and the quasi-experimental study involved 77 secondary school chemistry students (n = 37 in control and n = 40 in treatment groups). A set of questionnaires for the teachers, and a set of tests for the students were employed in the study. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistical te.....

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