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Simplified search suggestions : Harozila Ramli
Eksplorasi bahan alam dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran tekstil fiber
Harozila Ramli
Tujuan penyelidikan ini adalah untuk mengkaji explorasi bahan alam dalam penghasilan karya fiber. Penyelidikan ini juga untuk menganalisa penggunaan bahan alam, mengekplorasi pelbagai teknik serta gabungan teknik di antara bahan alam bagi penghasilan karya fiber. Penyelidikan ini juga akan menguji tahap kesesuaian bahan alam dalam penghasilan karya fiber. Pengumpulan data dibuat menerusi kaedah pemerhatian terhadap karya fiber dan temubual bersama pelajar. Pemilihan responden berdasarkan 25 orang pelajar (studio tenunan tradisional) dan 5 buah karya fiber hasil daripada kerja berkumpulan. 3 jenis teknik telah dikenal pasti iaitu teknik plain weave, taffting, coiling dan ia telah dieksperimentasi terhadap 6 jenis bahan alam iaitu tali guni, tali pisang, rotan, buluh, sabut kelapa dan kulit kayu balak. Metod kualitatif telah di pilih bagi menjadi susur galur di dalam penyelidikan ini. Data telah dikumpul dan di analisis menerusi pemerhatian terhadap karya fiber dan temubual bersama pelaj.....

3039 hits

Identiti Melayu dalam catan Syed Ahmad Jamal
Musa Nur Nazirah, Ramli Harozila,
Syed Ahmad Jamal sangat memberi pengaruh dan menyumbang dalam sejarah perkembangan Seni Lukis Moden Malaysia. Beliau telah mula berkarya sekitar tahun 50-an lagi. Artikel ini menyorot karya beliau sepanjang tahun 1950-an hingga 1990-an. Antara karya yang sangat mesra dan sinonim pada Syed Ahmad Jamal ialah “Gunung Ledang/Tanjung Kupang” yang memberi identiti kepada pelukis dan identiti Melayu sebagai satu bangsa...

4561 hits

Catan batik Najib Dawa
Ramli Harozila, Said Tajul Shuhaizam, Sedon @ M. Dom Mohd Fauzi,
Mohamed Najib Ahmad Dawa atau lebih dikenali sebagai Najib Dawa, merupakan satu nama yang terkenal dengan motif-motif tradisi dan menghasilkan sesuatu yang melambangkan identiti bangsa Melayu melalui catan-catan beliau. Penggunaan motifmotif tradisional bagi menjelaskan maksud di sebalik karya beliau membolehkan karya beliau tampil dengan keunikan yang tersendiri. Bagi Najib untuk mencari ketulenan dalam konteks budaya Malaysia, kita perlu melihat kembali ke belakang untuk dibawa ke arus semasa. Najib Dawa berjaya menghasilkan karya catan batik dengan gabungan motif-motif tradisi dan membina identiti beliau dalam perkembangan seni lukis moden Malaysia...

2208 hits

Installation colour, space and environment
Sedon @ M. Dom Mohd Fauzi, Said Tajul Shuhaizam, Ramli Harozila, Isnin Siti Fazlina,
Artists have interpreted and explore the concept of colour, space and environment in variety of different forms of installations to represent various contexts: physically and visually, emotionally and psychologically. Liam Gillick’s and Daniel Buren’s works especially manipulate colour reflection through the use of coloured panels that arrange in repetitive geometric forms effectively transform the space into a glowing colour reflection environment. By exploring the concept of illusionary planes, Sol LeWitt’s installations manipulate viewers’ perception and the relationship between colour, space and architecture. Meanwhile, Olafur Eliasson is the artist that explores colours and its effect on space and surroundings within the context of perception and reality. The unique character of each installation has a strong role in influencing a physiological and psychological experience...

2194 hits

Kearifan lokal masyarakat Lun Bawang menerusi kraf manik seramik
Said Tajul Shuhaizam, Ramli Harozila, Jailani Khairul Rifqy, Ibrahim Nurliyana,
1397 hits

Eksperimentasi teknik tritik dalam pembelajaran mereka corak tekstil batik
Ramli Harozila, Said Tajul Shuhaizam, Jamaldin Siti Salwa,
1494 hits

Pendidikan informal tukang emas Haji Hassan bin Mamat di Kelantan
Hanapi Haslinaz, Ramli Harozila, Said Tajul Shuhaizam,
1690 hits

The impact of a learning module based on Adobe Photoshop on the teaching and learning of Batik pattern design
Harozila Ramli
This study aims to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a learning module based on Adobe Photoshop with 130 motif templates in the teaching and learning of Batik pattern designs. This research used a qualitative approach based on the studio method involving observations and interviews. The sample of the participants consisted of 56 students who took a Batik course. In the studio, the participants used such a learning module to learn to create a number of Batik pattern designs. The evaluation of the learning module was based on five factors, namely effectiveness, learnability, flexibility, ease of use, and user acceptance. The research findings showed that all the participants were able to create creative patterns with high aesthetic value. Their designs were also observed to exhibit a high degree of intricacy and finesse. In addition, the findings showed that the use of such a module helped expedite the design process, making it more efficient as well as flexible. The participants.....

602 hits

Narrative biography: meaning making through painting
Harozila Ramli
Historically, narrative has been a highly prominent feature of visual art. Artist today continue to engage with narrative, for storytelling will always be a powerful medium forhuman expression. Thus, this research is conducted to find out and understand what are the characteristics or concepts that are structurally used in narrative works. Other than that this research is also done to understand the nature of how different artist have use the narrative concept in portraying their work as a storytelling subject whether in dealing with personal experience, popular culture, fantasying, fiction and world (historical) event. Finally, this research is conducted to understand how all of this information can be used to better comprehend the researcher’s own work, which cover an understanding of pictorial, and image structure and concerning with its meaning making. Artists such as David Salle, Cindy Sherman, Eleanor Antin, Gregory Crewdson, Laurie Simmons, Christian Boltanski,Tim Barney, Jail.....

942 hits

The development and evaluation of an interactive Multimedia module for the topic of art elements of the Visual Art education subject
Harozila Ramli
This research aims to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an interactive multimedia learning module for the topic of Elements of Art of the Visual Art Education subject for Form-One secondary school students. This study involved two methodological approaches involving the design and development of an interactive multimedia learning module and a case study. The development of the learning module was based on the ADDIE model involving five main phases, the analysis phase, design phase, development phase, implementation phase, and evaluation phase. The case study involved the evaluation of the effectiveness of the learning module based on pre-test post-test control group design. The sample of the study consisted of 30 FormOne students (15 girls and 15 boys, with a mean age of 13) recruited from a secondary school. They were randomly and equally divided into an experimental group (n = 15) and a control group (n = 15). Learning intervention lasted for a number of days. The research in.....

1168 hits

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