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Simplified search suggestions : Hishamuddin Ahmad
Measuring the Academic Success of Students with ASICS using Polytomous Item Response Theory
Hishamuddin Ahmad
Fully Residential School (FRS) under the Ministry of Education in Malaysia is a type of school, which produces high performance human capital. Important factors in the academic success of high performing students should be focused on to produce more high-performing students to fulfill the needs of the nation. This study aims to apply the Academic Success Inventory for College Students (ASICS) in the context of FRS in Malaysia and measure the instrument quality as well as identify the most important factor in the academic success. The sample comprised 305 students from three FRS. The data was collected using the ASICS instrument, which contained 49 items. Later, the data was analyzed based on the Polytomous Item Response Theory using the Xcalibre software. Based on the Chi-square, p-value, and the -2 LogLikelihood, Samejima's Graded Rating Model was found to be the fit model with the data. Unidimensionality assumption and local independence were tested using the exploratory factor analy.....

6401 hits

IS 3PL Item Response Theory an appropriate model for dichotomous item analysis of the anatomy & physiology final examination
Ahmad Hishamuddin, Mokshein Siti Eshah,
Item response theory (IRT) offers some advantages over classical test theory and has been widely used to analyze dichotomous types of data in educational testing. This study aims to explore which is the most appropriate model to be used in the analysis of dichotomous items of the Anatomy and Physiology course. The study involved 971 nursing students studying in the Ministry of Health Malaysia training colleges. Exploratory factor analysis was performed on the data of the final examination paper containing 40 multiple-choice items. Results of the analysis showed that the unidimensionality and local independence assumptions were met. Data calibration was performed using an IRT-based software, Xcalibre based on the negative twice the log-likelihood statistic (-2LL). Results showed that the 3PL model is the most appropriate model for analyzing the data of the study. This study concludes that the 3PL model should be given a priority in analyzing the dichotomously scored items that involve g.....

1719 hits

Analisis item aneka pilihan dengan menggunakan teori respons item bagi peperiksaan akhir anatomi dan fisiologi diploma kejururawatan dan peramal pencapaian pelajar
Hishamuddin Ahmad
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kualiti item-item aneka pilihan peperiksaan akhir Anatomi dan Fisiologi (A&F) yang merupakan subjek wajib kursus Diploma Kejururawatan menggunakan model 3-parameter logistik (3PL) Teori Respons Item (TRI). Kajian juga bertujuan menentukan peramal bagi pencapaian A&F melalui analisis soal selidik latar belakang akademik pelajar. Dalam fasa pertama, respons dikotomus daripada 1672 pelajar semester 1 sesi Julai-Disember 2012 dan 971 pelajar semester 1 sesi Januari-Jun tahun 2013 telah dianalisis berasaskan model 3PL TRI untuk menilai kualiti item serta kebolehan calon. Dalam fasa kedua, ujian-t dan regresi berganda stepwise telah dilakukan ke atas sampel seramai 530 daripada sesi Julai- Disember tahun 2012 dan 303 pelajar sesi Januari-Jun tahun 2013. Keputusan analisis menunjukkan bahawa secara keseluruhannya kualiti item dalam kedua-dua peperiksaan akhir A&F kurang memuaskan seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai kebolehpercayaan skor theta yang rendah, ke.....

701 hits

Reka bentuk pentaksiran alternatif dalam mata pelajaran Sains Sukan di sekolah menengah Malaysia
Jani Julismah, Ong Kuan Boon, Madon Mohd Sani, Ahmad Hishamuddin, Mohamad Khalid Nur Haziyanti, Ahmad Yusop,
Tujuan kajian bagi fasa pertama ialah untuk mengenal pasti tahap konteks kurikulum guru, faktor belajar pelajar dan pencapaian pelajar dalam pelaksanaan mata pelajaran Sains Sukan Tingkatan 4 di sekolah menengah Malaysia. Kajian ini turut menentukan jenis penilaian dan melihat hubungan di antara faktor belajar dengan pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran tersebut. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 208 orang guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran Sains Sukan dan 2729 orang pelajar yang mengikuti mata pelajaran Sains Sukan di sekolah menengah yang terpilih. Instrumen kajian berupa soal selidik terhadap guru dengan nilai kebolehpercayaan a = .962 dan soal selidik terhadap pelajar dengan nilai kebolehpercayaan a = .799. Keputusan kajian mendapati konteks kurikulum guru dari segi strategi pengurusan pengajaran adalah pada tahap sederhana, teknik pengajaran dan pengetahuan kandungan guru dalam mata pelajaran Sains Sukan tingkatan 4 adalah pada tahap tinggi. Kajian ini turut mendapati pelajar mempu.....

5375 hits

Validation of technical and vocational teachers
Hishamuddin Ahmad
This pilot study was conducted with the aim to validate the instrument used in evaluating the competency of teachers in the field of technical and vocational education. This instrument consists of 45 items and is administered to 53 teachers from a selected vocational college. The Rasch Model with the help of the Winstep Version 3.72.3 software has been used in this study for the purpose of checking the functionality of the item and the validity of the instrument. An analysis has been made based on the suitability of items in measuring the construct, item and person reliability and separation index, polarity and residual correlation value. The Rasch analysis showed that the item reliability was valued at 0.92 while the person reliability valued at 0.96 with their item MNSQ between overfit (1.4). Based on the findings, there are three items that were dropped because of failing to meet the inspection criteria. The finalized instrument consists of 42 items, in which it is suitable for eval.....

673 hits

Recommended dietary intake model for Malaysia\s state sport school
Ong Kuan Boon, Ahmad Hishamuddin, Lee Ai Choo, Jegathesan Sanmuga Nathan,
Kajian ini melibatkan 319 orang pelajar atlet (183 lelaki dan 136 perempuan) yang dipilih dari Sekolah Sukan Negeri Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan, Pedis, Selangor dan Melaka. Umur pelajar atlet yang mengambil bahagian dalam kajian ini adalah dalam lingkungan daripada 13 to 16 tahun (14.4 ± 0.9 tahun). Kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk menyiasat status pemakanan dalam kalangan pelajar atlet di sekolah sukan peringkat negeri. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk 'one shot study' yang melibatkan pemeriksaan malnutrisi, lipatan kulit, indeks jisim badan, nisbah lilitan pinggang-pinggul dan tekanan darah pelajar atlet. Data yang dikumpul telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan ujian-t menggunakan Pakej Statistik untuk versi 16 (SPSS). Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa insiden buruk sepertimana yang ditakrifkan oleh kriteris WHO adalah tidak wujud dalam kedua-dua lelaki dan perempuan pelajar atlet dalam kajian ini. Apabila dibandingkan dengan data yang diperolehi oleh Bong e.....

2416 hits

Validating the teaching, learning, and assessment quality of Malaysian ecce instrument
Hishamuddin Ahmad
Several instruments that measure the teaching, learning, and assessment quality have been developed and published. However, a psychometrically sound instrument to measure teaching, learning, and assessment quality in early childhood care and education that suitable for the Malaysian context needs to be validated. Therefore, this study aimed to validate on teaching, learning, and assessment quality in early childhood care and education instrument, which contains 68 items. The sample comprised 3,498, selected by stratified random sampling from a population of all Malaysian kindergarten teachers. Data were analyzed based on the Polytomous Item Response Theory (IRT) using the Xcalibre software. Samejima's Graded Rating Model (SRGM) was found to be the fit model with the data. Unidimensionality assumption and local independence were tested using the exploratory factor analysis and were fulfilled. The instrument?s reliability was overall very good (?=0.966) and the construct validity was als.....

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