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Total records found : 5 |
Simplified search suggestions : Ibrahim Abd Ghani |
1 | 2009 monograph | Construction of English grammar syllabus : focus on the construction of simple sentences Ibrahim Adbul Halim, Abu Abdul Ghani, The ability to produce and understand sentences is prerequisite to learning but many Malaysian students face serious problem in producing and understanding them. In this study, the knowledge and skills of simple sentence construction among 600 rural/urban students were investigated; observation and interviews with their teachers were carried out to investigate whether teachers taught sentence building. The students were asked to translate 80 Bahasa Melayu sentences into English. Their sentences were analyzed for accuracy and errors based on 8 different sentence patterns and different forms such as questions and passive. The results show that students' ability to construct sentences was very poor. The easiest sentence pattern was NP + be + NP and the most difficult pattern was NP + VP in the perfect. Their skills in forming all question forms were poor especially in using correct auxiliaries. The poor ability to construct simple sentences was evident due to the negligence of teachers in..... 3072 hits |
2 | 2007 monograph | Reading skills of Malaysian students focus on the knowledge of linguistic cues Ibrahim Abdul Halim, Mohamed Nor Mariam, Abu Abdul Ghani, Atan@Abdullah Azizah, This study seeks to among others: create a bench-mark for ESL Malay students reading comprehension proficiency at the primary and secondary school level; identify the main factors that influence how much a student gains in reading achievement during a year of school; investigate the reasons as to why some students achieve high levels in reading while others do not and fail to read efficiently; find out what teachers do to increase their students' linguistic cues automatic recognition and reading achievement of what they read, whenever they read; document what teachers have done to increase ESL students' reading achievement and to suggest what teachers can do to increase students' reading achievement. The reading tests were conducted using Miller's (1995) Reading Assessment Techniques. There were six tests including: vocabulary tests, reading tests (word and parsing identification miscues), and reading comprehension tests. Participants were 1989 students and 360 teachers from both rural..... 2530 hits |
3 | 2009 article | Stock price movements does change in energy price matter? Abdul Jalil Norasibah, Mat Ghani Gairuzazmi, Daud Jarita, Ibrahim Mansor, This paper investigates the impact of oil price shocks on the Malaysian stock market.The co-integration test results documented zero co-integration equation. This finding implies no long-run relationship between the variables in the system. The causality test which looks at short run dynamic interactions between the variables also documented the same finding where shocks in all types of oil prices do not impose any effect on movements in stock price. This finding leads us to conclude that, a change in oil price(s) has no significant effect on stock market both in the short-run and long-run. These findings also lead us to conclude that, change in oil price, particularly domestic oil price cannot be used as a policy tool in adjusting the stock market in any case shocks in oil price strike again in future... 1383 hits |
4 | 2023 thesis | Kesan Modul Pemantapan Disiplin berdasarkan REBT dan Teknik Kreatif terhadap pemikiran tidak rasional, tingkah laku agresif dan penghargaan kendiri murid sekolah rendah Ibrahim Abd Ghani Kajian bertujuan untuk menguji Kesan Modul Pemantapan Disiplin Berdasarkan
REBT dan Teknik Kreatif, terhadap pemikiran tidak rasional, tingkah laku agresif, dan
penghargaan kendiri murid sekolah rendah dan berfokus kepada berlakunya masalah
disiplin di sekolah. Kajian ini berbentuk eksperimen kuasi yang dijalankan ke atas 36
orang responden. Sampel dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu kumpulan kawalan
dan kumpulan rawatan. Daripada 36 sampel tersebut mereka terdiri daripada 9 orang
murid lelaki dan 9 orang murid perempuan bagi kumpulan rawatan dan 9 orang murid
lelaki dan 9 orang murid perempuan bagi kumpulan kawalan. Pemilihan sampel ini
dikawal sepenuhnya dan ia dipilih secara rawak bertujuan. Pembahagian kumpulan
pula menggunakan kaedah Cutting Of Point. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan tiga
soal selidik iaitu soal selidik Keberkesanan Emosi Ellis (KEE), soal selidik Agresif
(QA) dan soal selidik penghargaan kendiri (SEI). Data telah dianalisis secara
deskriptif dan inferen..... 587 hits |
5 | 2001 conference_item | Penyair muda wanita Pahang: catatan biografiktif & antologi Khirul Bariah Arup Ali Abdul Halim, Nama-nama seperti Sahmad Malaya, Baharuddin Zakaria, Yassin Salleh, Arisel BA (Subari Ahmad), Maznan Nordin, M.Z Alias dan Aripin Said sudah tidak asing lagi dalam peta perpuisian Melayu moden di negeri Pahang dan negara amnya. Nama Sahmad Malaya sudah muncul sejak tahun 1950 dan terus terkenal hingga tahun 1970an, kemudian tenggelam timbul dalam tahun-tahun 1980an dan 1990an. Manakala M.Z. Alias Baharuddin Zakaria, Arisel BA dan Aripin Said pula menghiasi era 1970an, 80an dan 1990an. Dalam tahun 1980an, 90an hingga kini, Pahang sudah melahirkan tidak kurang dari sepuluh penyair baru yang berjaya mencapai tahap kematangan seperti Marsli N.O, Yazid Idris, Nazri Sham, Maimunah Ali, Ami Masra, Maimunah Manan dan ramai lagi. Tidak kurang pula penulis-penulis muda yang giat menulis seperti Sharulnizam Talib, Khairul Bariah Arup, Abdul Mutalib Ghani, Nor Arifin Ibrahim,Nor Afliza Arshad,Hasejati, Ramli Yahya dan Iain-lainnya... 1639 hits |