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Climate change and hydrometeorological influence on water resources a study on 2014 water rationing in Selangor, Malaysia
Ithnin Hamirdin, Baharom Azmi Ahmad,
Climate change has been held responsible for a number of environmental changes currently taking place in the world. Water resource is one of the aspects of the environment that are showing signs of the detrimental effects of climate change. In Malaysia, water resource is always viewed as something which can be obtained easily. The aim of the study was to examine the water crisis in the state of Selangor in February and March 2014. The methodology employed was participant-c bservation technique and secondary data analysis. The finding was that In February and March 2014, many parts of Peninsular Malaysia experienced hot and dry weather. The state of Selangor bore the hardest brunt of this dry spell. The extended period of this dry spell caused lowering of water levels in most rivers resulting in the dipping of dam levels. Since the water supply system of the state depends wholly on surface water, the decrease in dam levels resulted in decreased volume of raw water that could be treated .....

978 hits

Keparahan kemarau hidrologi di Lembangan Sungai Lui, Hulu Langat Selangor
Sakke Nordin, Ithnin Hamirdin, Saudi Azali, Mapa Mohammad Tahir,
Kemarau hidrologi merupakan fenomena kekurangan air yang ekstrem yang selalunya memberikan impak ke atas kehidupan normal manusia.Impak kemarau ini amat bergantung pada tahap keparahan sesuatu peristiwa kemarau. Tahap keparahan kejadian kemarau hidrologi boleh digambarkan melalui tempoh atau jumlah defisit kemarau. Tempoh kemarau yang panjang dan jumlah defisit air yang tinggi merupakan petunjuk penting bagi keekstreman kemarau. Artikel ini mengkaji tahap keparahan kemarau di lembangan Sungai. Lui, Hulu Langat, Selangor. Dalam konteks kajian ini, nilai lampauan (persentil - Q) daripada keluk tempoh alir (KTA) digunakan untuk menentukan peristiwa kemarau. Tempoh 48 tahun data luahan bagi stesen Lui digunakan bagi menentukan nilai Q. Dengan menggunakan persentil Q70 = 1.15 m3s-1sebagai paras ambang (PA) asas kemarau yang diperoleh daripada KTA, didapati tempoh dan jumlah defisit luahan yang terhasil adalah berbeza mengikut kelas keparahan kemarau. Berpandukan kepada analisis, tempoh kumu.....

2331 hits

Tahap kesedaran dan pengamalan tip penjimatan air dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan enam di SMK Sultan Abdul Aziz, Kuala Selangor, Selangor
Mokmin Mujirah, Ithnin Hamirdin,
Tip penjimatan air merupakan amalan baik yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh pengguna semasa menggunakan air dalam kehidupan seharian. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tahap kesedaran dan pengamalan tip penjimatan air dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan enam di SMK Sultan Abdul Aziz. Kajian ini menggunakan borang kaji selidik yang berfokus pada pengetahuan, sikap dan tingkah laku pelajar terhadap tip penjimatan air di rumah. Seramai 167 orang pelajar. Analisis kajian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif (frekuensi dan min) dan analisis inferensi (korelasi Pearson). Hasil analisis menunjukkan pengetahuan, sikap dan tingkah laku pelajar tingkatan 6 di SMK Sultan Abdul Aziz berada pada tahap sederhana. Manakala bagi analisis korelasi menunjukkan kekerapan mendengar, menonton, melihat atau membaca tip penjimatan air dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan mengubah tingkah laku pelajar. Dapatan ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa pengetahuan pelajar tidak ditunjukkan menerusi sikap dan tingkah laku. Kesedar.....

1014 hits

Pengaruh air tidak berhasil (NRW) ke atas kemapanan bekalan air di Selangor, Malaysia
Sakke Nordin, Ithnin Hamirdin, Che Ngah M. Suhaily Yusri,
Selangor merupakan negeri yang paling maju dan salah satu negeri terkaya di Malaysia serta menjadi penyumbang terbesar kepada keluaran dalam negeri negara kasar (KDNK). Keadaan ini mempengaruhi peningkatan permintaan air. Bagi menjamin bekalan yang berterusan, situasi kondusif dari sudut cuaca, infrastruktur dan pengurusan yang cekap amat diperlukan. Air Tidak Berhasil (Non Revenue Water — NRW) yang kekal melebihi 30% pada tahun 2012 dan fenomena pemanasan global merupakan antara cabaran besar dalam pembekalan air secara mapan di Selangor. Jumlah hujan dan aliran air permukaan di Selangor juga dijangka akan 'nengalami penyusutan kesan daripada fenomena kemarau. Penyusutan ini Bakal memberi kesan yang negatif terhadap perkembangan kemakmuran sosial dan ekonomi Selangor. Kajian ini menganalisis pengaruh NRW ke atas kemapanan bekalan air di Selangor bagi memenuhi permintaan yang semakin meningkat setiap tahun terutama di musim panas atau kemarau...

862 hits

Challenges of maximising river sand exploitation in Selangor, Malaysia
Ithnin Hamirdin,
River sand is a resource that generates income and Malaysia is abundantly endowed with it. The state of Selangor, Malaysia has many rivers and sand exploitation sites are mostly found in these rivers. An important aspect which is given great attention is the potential of the contribution to the state coffer that can be garnered from it. As Malaysia develops, the growth of the building and construction industry expand, and demand for river sand as a construction material increases. In most drainage systems in Malaysia, this resource is ubiquitous. Due to its abundance and easily-exploitable nature, this resource is often unscrupulously exploited in a way which is not to the benefit of the state government as well as to the people in general. This study analyzes the challenges faced by the industry in light of the fast paced development that is taking place in Malaysia and also the regional development in neighboring countries that also affects the health of this industry. The methodolog.....

816 hits

The controversy of the 2013 severe water disruptions in Selangor, Malaysia: a critical analysis
Ithnin Hamirdin, Mokmin Mujirah, Sakke Nordin,
The state of Selangor is the most developed state in Malaysia, as such the capability of its water supply system is always on the heel in trying to meet the ever growing demand. The government of the state prior to the 2008 General Election had embarked on an interbasin water transfer project with the aim of boosting the availability of raw water for treatment and subsequently to supply the state with a projected future demand curve. A change in government in 2008 saw a change in emphasis with regard to the water supply system. The present state government is of the view that the interstate water transfer project ought to carry out concurrently with the restructuring of the water supply system of the state. Other parties such as the concessionaires are on an opposite view. As such there was a stalemate regarding the progress of the interstate water transfer and the restructuring of the water supply system. It looked as if the party which wanted to go ahead with the water transfer proje.....

929 hits

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