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Simplified search suggestions : Jabar Baharuddin
Pelaksanaan kemahiran pemikiran sejarah dalam pengajaran guru-guru sejarah: satu kajian kes di Daerah Hilir Perak
Jabar Baharuddin,
852 hits

Pelaksanaan kemahiran pemikiran sejarah dalam pengajaran guru-guru Sejarah : satu kajian kes di daerah Hilir Perak
Jabar Baharuddin,
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pelaksanaan kemahiran pemikiran sejarah dalam pengajaran guru-guru Sejarah. Kemahiran pemikiran sejarah yang dikaji ini dibahagikan kepada lima kategori utama, iaitu memahami kronologi, membuat imaginasi, meneroka bukti, membuat interpretasi dan membuat rasionalisasi. Kajian ini juga bertujuan melihat sama ada terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pelaksanaan kemahiran pemikiran sejarah dalam pengajaran guru-guru Sejarah dengan lokasi sekolah yang dilihat dari sudut sekolah yang terletak di bandar dan luar bandar. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah survey dan data untuk kajian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan soal selidik. Sampel kajian ini terdiri daripada 300 orang pelajar tingkatan empat daripada enam buah sekolah menengah di daerah Hilir Perak, Perak. Data dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 10.0. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan, guru melaksanakan kemahiran pemikiran sejarah bagi setiap item dalam setiap .....

661 hits

Perspektif pelajar terhadap pengajaran kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sejarah di sekolah menengah: satu kajian kes di Daerah Hilir Perak
Jabar Baharuddin,
The purpose of this study was to observe the implementation of the high order thinking skills in the teaching and learning of history. This study was also aimed to observe methods and materials used in the teaching of high order thinking skills in history. Survey methods was used in this study and data were collected using questionnaires. 396 form four students of ten secondary schools in Hilir Perak District, Perak were used as the samples. Data were analysed using 'Statistical Package for Social Science' (.,)PS:')) version 1 I .5. The results of this study showed that teachers implemented the high order thinking skills in each items. llowever, the implementation was different according to each items, because there were items that scored at higher mean level (2.67 - 4.00) and items scored at moderate level (1.34 - 2.66). No item scored at lower level (0 - 1.33). The results of the teaching methods implemented showed that various of methods used with items scored at higher mean level (.....

821 hits

Social science literacy among form four students in Malaysian secondary schools
Chang Lee Hoon, Dziauddin Mohd Faris, Jabar Baharuddin, Daud Mohd Noor, Abd Rahman Nurul Firdauz, Othman Zainuddin,
An exploratory study was conducted to investigate the social science literacy among form four students in Malaysian secondary schools. The aim of the study was to explore social science literacy in selected social science subjects, namely History, Geography, Moral Education, and Islamic Education as well as the students‟s general knowledge in the area of social science in Malaysian secondary schools. The study also intended to propose guidelines on standards in social science literacy for secondary schools in Malaysia. The study used quantitative research method. Five sets of questionnaires in the form of objective multiple-choice tests were developed to identify social science literacy in the three domains of knowledge, skills and values in the four selected subjects and general knowledge. The respondents were 16 years old students studying in form four at national secondary schools throughout Malaysia. From the total of 4705 respondents, the number of respondents for Geography was .....

2885 hits

Kompetensi guru ISMP (Sejarah) Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris dalam pendekatan standard guru Malaysia (SGM)
Jabar Baharuddin, Jusoh Adnan, Mahat Hanifah,
879 hits

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