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Simplified search suggestions : Jahan Md Sarwar
Evaluation of term final examination questions for undergraduate program of agrotechnology discipline based on bloom’s cognitive domain
Jahan, Md. Sarwar
Cognitive skills enable individuals to make precise decisions and solve real-life challenges, which are essential for theadvancement of both the state and society at large. Questions serve as a tool for gathering information, inspiring thought, and redirecting reasoning. In university education, teachers frequently use questions to encourage students to think critically and reason effectively. Term final examination question papers are employed by academics to assess the retention and practical skills of graduates. However, it is hypothesized that, at the university level, questions assessing application skills should increasingly take precedence over questions that assess retention skills, as students’ progress to more advanced stages of education. These questions can be categorized into higher-order or lower-order types. The cognitive domain is one of the three learning domains outlined in Bloom’s Taxonomy, proposed by Benjamin Bloom in 1956. The objective of this study is to ana.....

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