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Simplified search suggestions : Jantan Ramlan
Fostering augmented information: analyzing assisted living experience in Malaysia
Jantan Ramlan,
Like other developing countries, Malaysia also will facing with aging phenomenon. Malaysian Government already started to rise up the issues of elderly people problem since 1995. The formulation of the National Policy for the Elderly in 1995 and the setting up of the National Elderly Health Council in 1997 confirm that the government is serious in its commitment to provide care and services for the nation’s elderly. A comprehensive health care system has been applied through extensive care for elderly with chronic diseases. The health care system has been developed to focus on short term care and short term hospitalization with the consequence that the services available may not be effective in dealing with elderly having chronic diseases and disabilities. A research has recognized a moment of truth from the older system. Resulted of analyzing have shown that elderly people in Malaysia dependent too much on their family support and government support which is a contrary with western .....

718 hits

Geometric in Islamic art and design: infinite point or creativity through compass and digital
Hussin Ridzuan, Mokhtar Asmahan, Jantan Ramlan,
The creativity of earlier artists and sculptors in designing geometric are extraordinary provided with only a compass. Indeed, geometric in Islamic art and design are unique and have their own aesthetic values. In order to further understand geometric, self-learning with the approach of hands-on would be appropriate. For this study, Islamic themed geometrics designed and created, concerning only; i). The Square Repetition Unit and √2, ii). The Hexagonal Repetition Unit and √3 and iii) Double Hexagon. The aim of this research is to evaluate the creativity of Islamic geometric patterns artworks, through Fundamental Arts and Gestalt theory. Data was collected using specific tasks, and this research intends to identify the difference of Islamic geometric between 21 conventional (compass) untitled selected geometric artworks and 25 digital untitled geometric pattern artworks method. The evaluation of creativity, colors, layout, pattern and unity is known to be of utmost importance, alth.....

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