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Simplified search suggestions : Jasim Iman Naemah |
1 | 2022 thesis | The racial violence and gender oppression: Palestinian womens struggle based on selected novels by Sahar Khalifah Jasim, Iman Naemah The main objective of this research was to study racial violence and gender
oppression in Sahar Khalifeh’s selected novels of Of Noble Origins (2012), The End
of Spring (2007), The Inheritance (2005), The Image, and The Icon and the Covenant
(2007). The research also followed a qualitative textual analysis to interpret the
colonial confrontation between the Jewish persecutory occupation that represents the
colonizers who oppress the Palestinian people, especially the women. Furthermore,
gender oppression was interpreted to scrutinize the masculine ideology that
marginalizes women in the Palestinian traditional society. Accordingly, three
inextricable objectives were formulated in the course of the analysis. The first
objective was to ascertain the extent of how the encounter with the Israeli racial
violence affects the Palestinian women based on the novels by Sahar Khalifeh. The
second objective was to examine how the Palestinian women resist the Jewish
occupation in the ..... 688 hits |