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Simplified search suggestions : Jia Baofeng
A structural equation modelling on students satisfaction of university students in China
Jia, Baofeng
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of teacher transformational leadership style on student satisfaction, mediated through teacher effectiveness and school climate in selected Chinese universities. The aims of this study include examining the relationship between teacher transformational leadership style and student satisfaction, determining the mediating role of teacher effectiveness and school climate, and exploring the potential moderating effects of demographic variables. This study utilized a quantitative research method, with a cross-sectional survey design to collect data to answer the research questions and hypotheses developed. The data was collected through three sets of questionnaires from 260 teachers selected through the stratified random sampling from the selected Chinese universities and was analysed using the Simple Linear Regression and Sobel-test, hence answering the seven research questions and hypotheses. The findings revealed that teac.....

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