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Total records found : 13 |
Simplified search suggestions : Jing Yu |
1 | 2017 thesis | Pembinaan modul i-THINK ungkapan Algebra tingkatan dua Foo, Jing Yao Kajian ini bertujuan membina sebuah modul latihan i-THINK Ungkapan Algebra Tingkatan Dua (Mi-T2) untuk meningkatkan pencapaian murid dalam Ungkapan Algebra II. Modul latihan Mi-T2 dibina berdasarkan Model Pembinaan Modul Sidek. Teori pembelajaran konstruktivisme, teori pembelajaran kognitif, peta pemikiran dan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi merupakan tunjang pembinaan modul. Tahap kesahan, kebolehpercayaan dan keberkesanan modul latihan Mi-T2 turut diuji. Reka bentuk yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah kajian reka bentuk dan pembangunan dan kajian kuasi eksperimen. Modul ini dinilai oleh lima panel pakar untuk menentukan kesahan kandungan. Bagi menentukan kebolehpercayaan dan keberkesanan modul latihan Mi-T2, satu kajian telah dijalankan di sebuah sekolah menengah dalam daerah Kinta Utara, Perak. Dua kelas tingkatan dua dipilih melalui pensampelan rawak berkelompok. Kajian dijalankan sepanjang satu bulan dan topik yang dikaji ialah Ungkapan Algebra II. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam..... 1892 hits |
2 | 2018 thesis | The relationship between internal environment of corporate entrepreneurship and innovation in private colleges in Perak Wu, Jing Nan The propose of this study were to investigate the relationship between internal corporate entrepreneurial environment (ICEE) indicators i.e. management support, work discretion, time availability and innovation (INV); and the influence of each indicator of ICEE towards INV. Data were collected from 150 middle managers of 19 private colleges in Perak using systematic random sampling. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to analyze the data. The result showed that there was a significant relationship between ICEE (management support, r=.554, p.. 1285 hits |
3 | 2018 thesis | Secondary school students perceptions of classroom environment in Malaysia and China Heng Jing Kajian ini bertujuan membandingkan persepsi pelajar sekolah menengah tentang persekitaran
bilik darjah di Malaysia dan China. Penyelidikan kuantitatif ini menggunakan
instrumen Student Perceptions of Classroom Quality (SPOCQ) untuk mengumpul data. Sejumlah 260
orang pelajar dari tiga buah sekolah menengah di Tanjung Malim, Malaysia dan 351 orang
pelajar dari empat buah sekolah menengah di Wilayah Feng, China telah dipilih secara rawak sebagai
responden kajian ini. Analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensi digunakan untuk menganalisis
data yang dikumpul. Analisis deskriptif menggambarkan tahap persepsi pelajar sekolah
menengah di Malaysia dan China terhadap persekitaran bilik darjah dalam lima faktor iaitu
daya tarikan, cabaran, pilihan, pengertian dan efikasi kendiri akademik. Statistik inferensi
menggunakan ujian-t untuk menunjukkan p..... 1519 hits |
4 | 2021 thesis | Monetary policy in the presence of external economic uncertainty in selected developed and developing countries Yee, Kok Jing The general objective of this study is to examine the monetary policy reaction function
with the presence of exchange rate and terms of trade (TOT) in an economic uncertainty.
The specific objectives of this study are to examine the causal relationship between
monetary policy and economic uncertainty variables; and to examine the cointegration
relationship between monetary policy by including the external economic uncertainty
variables without neglecting the output uncertainty and inflation uncertainty. The data
of this study are collected on a quarterly basis from the year 1995 quarter one until the
year 2018 quarter one based on a sample of 30 countries. This study employs the
causality tests (i.e., Toda Yamamoto causality test and Granger causality test) and panel
heterogeneous cointegration approach. The findings from the causality tests and panel
heterogeneous cointegration approach shows that the economic uncertainty variables
have a causal relationship with monetary p..... 1351 hits |
5 | 2022 thesis | Development and effectiveness of rhyme song module towards seven year old childrens sounding and spelling Hew, Yvonne Jing Pei This study was aimed to develop and evaluate the Rhyme Song Module as an alternative
approach for English teachers. The study also analyses the effectiveness of the Rhyme
Song Module on the spelling and sounding achievement of seven years old children.
This is applied research by using quantitative research based on the ADDIE
instructional model, (i) Analysis; (ii) Design; (iii) Development; (iv) Implementation;
and (v) Evaluation. Using a quantitative approach with quasi-experiment method, the
results of the Pre-Test and Post-Test were analysed and summarized in the study.
Convenient sampling was used to select the participants of the study where 50 students
from Year One were chosen from a government funded primary school. The
participants were divided into two groups which were the control group and treatment
group with 25 students each. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential
analysis. The results obtained showed that the treatment group which the Rhyme Song..... 1243 hits |
6 | 2022 thesis | Subject-Verb agreement (SVA) Hop to improve writing skills among Year 4 learners Foo, Pei Jing This study aimed to develop and determine the effect of Subject-Verb Agreement
(SVA) Hop on Year 4 learners‟ writing skills. This study employed mixed qualitative
and quantitative approach. A stratified sampling of 30 Year 4 lower intermediate
learners was assigned. The treatment was conducted by using SVA Hop for four-week
periods. The instrument chosen in this study were a set of pre and post-tests, three sets
of worksheets, observation checklists and a semi-structured interview session. Data
were analysed by using descriptive and thematic analysis. Descriptive analysis
involves SPSS Statistics analysis of mean scores of pre and post-tests and three sets of
worksheets while thematic analysis through Nvivo software describes interest in
constructing simple sentences among Year 4 learners. The findings showed that there
was a significantly difference between pre and post-tests and three sets of worksheets.
The participants showed an improvement in constructing simple sente..... 1021 hits |
7 | 2021 article | Kajian keperluan pembangunan modul latihan berasaskan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi bagi topik Ungkapan Algebra Tingkatan Satu Foo, Jing Yao Kajian ini bertujuan menganalisis keperluan modul latihan Ungkapan Algebra Tingkatan Satu (MA-T1) dibina. Data diperoleh melalui kajian tinjauan dengan mengumpulkan respon daripada 31 orang guru matematik Tingkatan Satu hingga Tingkatan Tiga dari daerah Kinta, Perak. Instrumen kajian merupakan soal selidik keperluan modul latihan MA-T1 dibina. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan sebanyak 96.8% guru matematik menunjukkan terdapat keperluan terhadap modul latihan MA-T1 dan berminat menggunakan modul latihan ini sebagai bahan bantu mengajar. Ini menunjukkan penguasaan murid dalam Ungkapan Algebra masih lemah dan keperluan guru terhadap pembinaan modul latihan MA-T1 dapat dikenal pasti. Kertas kajian ini mencadangkan modul latihan MA-T1 dibina berdasarkan keperluan guru dan diharapkan modul ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada guru untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan kemahiran berfikir murid dalam pembelajaran Ungkapan Algebra... 641 hits |
8 | 2022 thesis | Study on acceptance and influence of online Chinese TV series towards Malaysian teenager viewers Jing, Wang The purpose of this study is to examine the acceptance and influence of online
Chinese TV series (OCTS) towards Malaysian teenage viewers.It is inevitable
that the change in the distribution medium of TV series will have an impact on
audiences. Therefore, in this study, the researcher investigated the acceptance,
behavioral characteristics, and influence of OCTS in Malaysia through new
media platforms among Malaysian teenage viewers. The study utilized the
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the ‘Encoding/Decoding’ theory as the
theoretical framework. The quantitative research and purposive sampling
technique were employed for sample selection among the population of
Malaysian teenagers between the age of 18-25 years old. The data were analyzed
using the SPSS 26.0 analysis software to test the hypotheses and determine the
results. The findings of the study revealed that Malaysian teenage viewers'
acceptance, viewing behavior characteristics and influence towards online
..... 1445 hits |
9 | 2022 thesis | A framework of employability skills amongst Ningxia polytechnic graduated students Jing, Yu The purpose of this research is to assess the employability level of graduated students
in Ningxia Polytechnic, and form an employability framework to improve the
employability of students. Five employment ability variables studied are professional
ability, individual ability, vocational ability, social ability, innovation and
entrepreneurship. A total of 446 China Ningxia Polytechnic graduated students
participated in this research. An instrument of the self-evaluation scale of vocational
college students' employment ability was developed and the validity of the content was
judged by experts. The instrument consists of 41 items employability, 40 items
influencing factors and 9 item basic information, which has met the psychological
measurement standards. The confirmatory factor analysis was performed by AMOS
SEM to test the convergence validity and discriminant validity of the variables and
Cronbach's alpha used to measure internal consistency of the scores produced. The se..... 1171 hits |
10 | 2022 article | The need and effectiveness of form Two algebraic expression training module Foo, Jing Yao The aims of the study are to determine the need and effectiveness of Algebraic Expression Training Module (Mi-T2) in improving Form Two students’ higher order thinking skills. The level of thinking skill of Malaysian students is still low. A descriptive study and quasi-experimental study was conducted at a secondary school in Perak in order to determine the need and effectiveness of Mi-T2 module. Questionnaires about the need of Mi-T2 training module, pre-test and post-test were the instruments being used in the study. The school teacher provided responses by completing questionnaires to determine the need of module. A control group and experimental group were selected from the Form Two classes to be the sample study. They had to answer the instruments pre-test and post-test before and after the treatment. The findings showed that 80% mathematics teachers indicated that there is a need for the Mi-T2 training module. The comparison of the mean scores for the experimental group and con..... 497 hits |
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