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Simplified search suggestions : Kaaminy Kanapathy |
1 | 2014 thesis | Implications of critical discourse analysis in teaching and learning Tamil in the context of Malaysian higher education Kaaminy Kanapathy This research analyzed the Implications of Critical Discourse Analysis in teaching and learning Tamil in the context of Malaysian Higher Education. This study uses Fairclough's framework (1995), critical questioning framework synthesized from Fairclought's framework (1995), 5 point scale synthesized from Fairclough (1995), translated version of Watson-Glasor's Critical Thinking Skills test frame and a student's opinion elicitation questionnaire. This study comprises of 5 stages based on 5 research questions. They are: 1) critical analysis of the news paper articles by the researcher, 2) review of the differences in the critical ability of the students through the administration of the pre and post tests containing 10 synthesized questions reflecting the Critical Discourse Analysis, 3) study of Critical language Awareness of students through a 5 points evolved for this purpose, 4) study of the Critical Thinking Skills of the students through the administration ofWatson-Glaser's Critical..... 721 hits |
2 | 2023 article | A critical analysis Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris init student teacher teaching practice experiences a new case study approach Kaaminy Kanapathy The experiences of undergraduates’ student-teachers from the Tamil unit program at Sultan Idris Education university who underwent teacher training are examined in this paper. A crucial part of teacher preparation is practical teaching experience. What the student-teacher has experienced in the teaching and learning environment is unknown, though. What experiences student instructors have while they are in the teaching practice phase is the topic that this study aims to discuss. Since this study is focused on the real-world experiences of student teachers, qualitative research was chosen as the method of inquiry. Additionally, experiential learning and reflective learning theory serve as the theoretical foundation for this investigation. In addition, it was noticed that they were not doing well in their teaching practices throughout the student evaluation. Five student-teachers participated in semi-structured interviews, and they also kept a reflective journal. Contextual information..... 24 hits |